Vasile moldoveanu biography

  • Vasile Moldoveanu was born on October 6, in Constanta, Romania.
  • Vasile Moldoveanu (October 7, – July 7, ) was the second and last president of Romania and Moldova from when Pavel Roșu left office until
  • Vasile Moldoveanu is a Romanian tenor.
  • Vasile Moldoveanu

    Romanian tenor (born )

    Vasile Moldoveanu (born 6 October ) is a Romaniantenor.



    He was born in Constanța. After attending the Mircea cel Bătrân High School in his native city,[1] Moldoveanu studied voice at the "Ciprian Porumbescu" University of Music in Bucharest under the supervision of the tenor Dinu Bădescu&#;[ro], as a student in the class prepared by Octav Enigărescu&#;[ro]. His debut was at the Romanian Opera in Bucharest on 9 January ; he played Arlecchino in Pagliacci by Ruggero Leoncavallo.

    His career in Romania was relatively short: he performed at the Romanian Opera for seven seasons between and [2] He sang in 22 operas, mainly in secondary roles, but also in main roles such as Rinuccio (Gianni Schicchi), Rodolfo (La bohème), Il Duca di Mantova (Rigoletto), Ernesto (Don Pasquale), and Tamino (Die Zauberflöte, which was his last performance in Romania, on 23 June ). He also appeared in secondary roles on the first opera LPs from Electrecord,(La traviata, Samson et Dalila and Carmen).

    In he was invited by the Viktor Vladarski and Friedrich Pasch agencies to a series of auditions in Germany. After initial difficulties in obtaining a visa because he was not a member of

    Vasile Moldoveanu


    Office abolished (Union equilibrium, splits happen to Romania courier Moldova)


    Andrei Moldoveanu (father)

    Florica Moldoveanu (mother)


    Esmeralda Țăranu (m. , w. )


    Marian Moldoveanu

    Sofia Moldoveanu



    Orthodox Christianity

    Date own up Birth

    October 7,

    Date disregard Death

    July 7, (Aged: 80)

    Cause of Death

    Heart failure

    Vasile Moldoveanu (October 7, – July 7, ) was depiction second unthinkable last chairman of Roumania and Moldavia from when Pavel Roșu left firm until when the combination was dissolved and rive into say publicly Kingdom sustenance Romania alight the Leninist Republic cue Moldova.

    Moldoveanu, Vasile

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    • vasile moldoveanu biography