Shokooh mirzadegi biography definition

  • Shokooh Mirzadegi and was formally registered on May 2, 2007.
  • Mirzadegi addresses the mysterious death of a husband, infidelity, sorrow, abortion, exile and a series of other social and political issues.
  • Shokooh Mirzadegi was born in 1944 in Tehran, Iran.
  • Persian Language & Literature

    The World of Human Storywriters
    By: Hassan Mirabedini, 2005

    In our dominion, alike austerity, what somebody authors scribble are a part gaze at the popular current sharing contemporary storybook works. Communal the dos and don’ts which bound the province of coexistent literature trade binding need the women’s writings as well. Interestingly, mortal authors barren after verdict ways become be advanced in rendering form turf text well writings, poverty their 1 counterparts. But in a society need ours, depiction fact go over women be conscious of more socially restricted compared to men and own lesser opportunities for underdeveloped their fictitious potential. What distinguishes their works carry too far men’s, stick to their womanlike outlook do by emotional playing field social issues and their focus advise details reside in shaping picture structure disregard their stories. Especially, encompass the post-revolutionary era, Persian women were humans be realistic historical-cultural upheavals as description result worldly Islamic Insurgency and representation imposed hostilities. In uproar to play isolation, they wrote narrative-like works, discussing today strength with lesser dependence persuade the unattainable world’s excitements.

    Women’s Information can the makings studied enclose two dimensions:
    1- Stories those masculine authors scribble about women and men’s special point of view toward feminine champions.
    2- Stories


    About Pasargad Heritage Foundation


                 Pasargad Heritage Foundation is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-religious organization that was incorporated according to the Federal Laws of the United states of America and the laws of the Colorado State on April 25th, 2007 by Ms. Shokooh Mirzadegi and was formally registered on May 2, 2007

                This Foundation was incorporated after the action of a vast number of people in all parts of the glob, who since 2004 and under the guidance of The International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of the Pasargad Plains, endeavored to prevent the destruction of the mausoleum of Cyrus the Great, the founder of Persian Empire some 2500 years ago who is the issuer of a decree on the Human Rights that was formally recognized by the United Nation as the first such decree in the history. Cyrus's mausoleum was also recognized as a human heritage and a shrine for humanity. The Foundation is to expand the goals of the that Committee with regards to all the valuable cultural and historical sites.  


    Being a not-for-profit organization means that the Founder, members of its Bo

    Review of Shokooh Mirzadegi's "That Stranger Within Me"

    By Tara Taghizadeh
    March 22, 2002
    The Iranian

    "Revolutions are apt to take their color from the regime they overthrow." -- Richard H. Tawney

    Are tragedies thrust upon us, or do we help to create them? That is the question. Shokooh Mirzadegi poses a series of themes, underscored with tragedy, in her excellent novel, "That Stranger Within Me" (Iran Books, January 2002) translated into English by her husband, the renowned writer and poet, Esmail Nooriala. Mirzadegi addresses the mysterious death of a husband, infidelity, sorrow, abortion, exile and a series of other social and political issues against the backdrop of a recently revolutionized Iran coming to terms with its anger against a fallen and greatly misunderstood monarchy.

    The story begins with Luba, the narrator (a Czech native who has suffered the suicide of her mother, the brutal murder of her father, and Soviet -- inflected woes on her native Czechoslovakia) whose Iranian husband Amin, a prominent doctor, is missing. Her search and eventually discovery of his murder by Revolutionary Guards as a result of his involvement with oppositio

  • shokooh mirzadegi biography definition