Alexander fleming biografia italiano
Category:Alexander Fleming
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1950.004.FLEMING CALLERIO GOTTLIEB IN SPA.pdf 983 × 850; 202 KB
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Alexander Fleming encounter his index in a white rod coat house penicillin moulding in petrie dishes everywhere him.jpg 4,628 × 3,615; 6.71 MB
Alexander Fleming clod visita ai laboratori di Rodolfo Ferrari durante go down II Congresso Nazionale Antibiotici Milano 1950.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.95 MB
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Bota Conqueror Fleming. Bodega El Molino. Jerez.jpg 2,560 × 1,440; 906 KB
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Alexander Fleming
Scottish physician and microbiologist (1881–1955)
For other people named Alexander Fleming, see Alexander Fleming (disambiguation).
Sir Alexander FlemingFRS FRSE FRCS[2] (6 August 1881 – 11 March 1955) was a Scottish physician and microbiologist, best known for discovering the world's first broadly effective antibiotic substance, which he named penicillin. His discovery in 1928 of what was later named benzylpenicillin (or penicillin G) from the mould Penicillium rubens has been described as the "single greatest victory ever achieved over disease".[3][4] For this discovery, he shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1945 with Howard Florey and Ernst Chain.[5][6][7]
He also discovered the enzymelysozyme from his nasal discharge in 1922, and along with it a bacterium he named Micrococcus lysodeikticus, later renamed Micrococcus luteus.
Fleming was knighted for his scientific achievements in 1944.[8] In 1999, he was named in Time magazine's list of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th century. In 2002, he was chosen in the BBC's television poll for determining the 100 Greatest Britons, and in 2009, he was also voted third "greatest Scot" in an opinio
Alexander Fleming
Alexander Fleming (6 d'agostu de 1881, Lochfield(en) – 11 de marzu de 1955, Londres) foi un científicubritánicu famosu por afayar la enzima antimicrobiana llamada lisozima. Tamién foi'l primeru en reparar los efeutos antibióticos de la penicilina llograos a partir del fungu Penicillium chrysogenum.
[editar | editar la fonte]Alexander Fleming nació en Darvel, Escocia. Trabayó como médicu microbiólogu nel Hospital St. Mary de Londres hasta l'empiezu de la Primer Guerra Mundial. Nesti hospital trabayó nel Departamentu de Inoculaciones, dedicáu a la meyora y fabricación de vacunes o inyeiciones y sueros. Almorth Edward Wright, secretariu del Departamentu, espertó l'interés de Fleming por nuevu tratamientos pa les infeiciones.
Mientres la guerra foi médicu militar nos frentes de Francia y quedó impresionáu pola gran mortalidá causada poles firíes de metralla infestaes (por casu, cangrena gaseosa) nos hospitales de campaña. Rematada la guerra, tornó al Hospital St. Mary onde buscó intensamente un nuevu antisépticu qu'evitara la dura agonía provocada poles firíes infestaes.
Fleming foi empecipiáu nel Ritu Escocés Antiguu y Aceptáu en 1909, na loxa Nᵘ 2682 Santa María de Londres, y foi ap