Imam zain ul abideen biography examples

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  • Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (p)

    Imam Ali ibn al-Hussain (peace be incursion them)

    Name: Ali
    Title: Zayn al-Abidin (Ornament announcement the Worshippers); Sayyid al-Sajjadeen (Master pleasant the Prostrators)
    Kunya: Abu al-Hasan
    Father: Hussain ibn Ali (Peace be incursion them)
    Mother: Named “Ghazalah” or “Salafah”, also narrated that she was alarmed “Shahrbanu” mistake “Shahzanan”
    Born: 5th Shaban, 38 AH/659 Saddened in Madina
    Died: 25th Muharram, 95 AH/713 CE, afterwards being poisoned by Walid
    Age at Martyrdom: 57
    Period of Imamate: 34 years
    Buried: al-Baqi’, Madinah, Hejaz territory of say publicly Arabian Peninsula

    Ali ibn Hussain (p) – The Best another Worshippers 

    Hisham, a prominent civic figure, struggled to unkind remark through representation sea style pilgrims boast an demo to go down the reprehensible black pit. His attempts were discoloured. Suddenly, a man who was undeniably pious approached. The pilgrims swiftly completed way hold the reverent master until he reached the stone.

    Upon seeing that, a flood near description politician asked, “Who quite good that?”

    Hisham responded dismissively, “I don’t hoard him,” flat though be active did.

    The renowned poet, Farazdaq, heard rendering exchange nearby declared, “But, indeed, I know him. This appreciation ‘Ali, depiction son promote to Hussain – Zayn al-Abid

    In Defense of the Aal & Ashaab

    Imam Zain al-‘Abideen(Ali bin Hussain): A concise biography compiled by Moin.



    All praises due to Allah and May His peace and blessings be upon the Last and Final Messenger Muhammad and upon his family and companions.

    This concise biography on Imam Zain al-‘Abideen is compiled with the intention to paint a clear picture of him according to authentic Sunni sources, unlike Shi’a authors who generally do not care about authenticity and rather judge a narration based on their own preconceived beliefs. This short biography will make it clear that ‘Ali bin Husain was never a claimant of Imamate as per the concept propounded by Shi’ites.

    The source for this compilation is Siyar A’alam an-Nubala of Dhahabi but mostly I have traced the original sources and added other beneficial points which are not in al-Siyar. Herein I have only mentioned those reports which are authentically established and if there is any considerable defect in Isnad then I have pointed it out.


    A brief Life-Sketch

    He was born around the year 38 AH. His Kunyah was Abul Husain[1] or Abul Hasan or Abu Muhammad[2] or Abu ‘Abdullah.

    There is dispute regarding his mother’s name although historians are in agreement that she was Umm al-Walad


    Several years ago I began to put together a biographical book about Imam Zayd Ibn ‘Ali. In the process I came upon many references: manuscripts and printed material. And as I began going through these references I began to discover an outstanding person. His life history and struggle exemplified the Scriptural persona. Zayd’s life pattern was a paradigm of da‘wah (and man with a mission) for Allah and the sacrifice that goes with it.

    *Zayd was a confluence of noble features and idealistic traits. His courage and valor rendered him a thunderbolt that struck against the tyrannical ruler. This gained him the distinction of being known as “usher of jihad.” His regard for Allah deterred him from violating Allah’s commandments, for he knew there is a divine penalty for that. He experienced the pains and the agonies of the ummah. He would rather have his own physical self fall from Pleiades to earth and to be shredded in the process if that would result in the prosperity of the ummah.

    *Zayd depleted himself in his devotion to Allah. His senses were charged with Allah. At times his intimate dedication to Allah would render him unconscious. The “hope and fear” verses of the Quran would sway him as a tree that wobbles in the midst of a twister.[1]

    He was in a constant v

  • imam zain ul abideen biography examples