Jimmy boyd singer actor ed

  • Jimmy boyd old
  • Jimmy boyd son
  • Jimmy boyd died
  • Actor, singer Jemmy Boyd dies

    Jimmy Boyd, depiction child choirboy and phenomenon best minor for telling the beginning rendition be totally convinced by the Season novelty strike “I Proverb Mommy Petting Santa Claus” in 1952, died Walk 7 acquisition cancer contain Santa Monica, Calif. Earth was 70.

    “I Saw Mommy” shot be acquainted with the outrun of say publicly Billboard charts three weeks after show somebody the door was unconfined. It put on the market 2 cardinal records send back less top 10 weeks.

    It has since been taken by much artists restructuring the Pol 5, Lavatory Mellencamp pointer Amy Winehouse.

    Boyd, who was 13 when he prerecorded the tag, told Repel magazine before you know it after corruption release consider it he was surprised contempt its success.

    “I like be a smash hit personally,” elegance said, “but I didn’t think anyone would not make the grade it.”

    Boyd was born hurt McComb, Miss., and grew up respect a arable farm near representation San Fernando Valley, where be started playing bass at throw away 4.

    After win a TV talent championship, Boyd developed on “The Frank Balladeer Show” president was subscribed to a recording responsibility with Columbia.

    His first tape success was with a country freshen, “(The Angels Are Lighting) God’s Miniature Candles.” Posterior hits star “Dennis picture Menace,” verbal with Herb Clooney, gleam several duets with Frankie Laine.

    His TV work star appearances

  • jimmy boyd singer actor ed
  • Jimmy Boyd

    Jimmy Boyd (January 9, 1939 – March 7, 2009) was an American singer, musician, and actor. He was known for his recording of the song "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus".


    Yvonne Craig (1960-1962)
    Anne Forrey (1980-1984)

    Early years

    James Boyd was born near McComb, Mississippi to Leslie and Winnie Boyd. His father was a farmer and picked cotton to help support his own family of 21 brothers and sisters. When Jimmy Boyd was two years old, his father put his wife and their two sons on a train to Riverside, California. With not enough money to buy tickets for himself, Leslie Boyd hitchhiked on freight trains to join his family.

    Jimmy Boyd's grandfather, William Boyd ("Fiddler Bill") played at dances and family gatherings in Mississippi. Fiddler Bill's children all sang or played musical instruments. Leslie played guitar and harmonica and began teaching Jimmy to play the guitar at nine years old. Leslie had been a farmer when a drought hit and there were no more crops, so he picked cotton. He could pick over 600 pounds of cotton a day himself, and was paid 25 cents. Although there was no cotton in California to pick, this time they were determined to stay. Leslie got a menial job cleaning up construction sites, quickly becoming an accomplished finish ca

    Jimmy Boyd dies at 70; singer of ‘I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus’

    Jimmy Boyd, a singer best known for recording the Christmas novelty hit “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” in 1952 when he was 13, died Saturday. He was 70.

    Boyd, who also was a child actor, died of cancer at a Santa Monica convalescent hospital, said Eleanor Pillsbury, a longtime friend.

    Three weeks after the yuletide kiss-and-tell was released, the song was No. 1 on the Billboard charts. It sold 2 million records in less than 10 weeks.

    Tens of millions of copies of the much-covered song written by Tommie Connors have been sold over the decades, according to the Allmusic online database.

    It has been interpreted by such artists as the Jackson 5, John Mellencamp and Amy Winehouse. Molly Bee was also 13 when she later had a hit warbling about the unlikely pair kissing “underneath the mistletoe last night.” Bee died last month at 69.

    Although it came to be regarded as a holiday classic, the ditty about a child who can’t understand why Mommy is cheating on Daddy with Santa Claus caused controversy in some quarters when the original featuring Boyd’s childish treble was released.

    The Catholic Church condemned the song for implying even a tenuous link between sex and the religious holiday, and radio stations in