Maulvi nazir ahmad biography for kids
Shamsul Ulema Maulvi Deputy Nazir Ahmad
Father’s Name: Maulvi Sa-adat Ali
Born: 1831 Bijnor (UP)
Died: 28th December 1910 (Delhi)
Hayatun-Nazir by Syed Iftekhar Alam Bilgrami
Maulvi Nazir Ahmad ki Kahani, Kuch Unki Kuch Meri Zabani
by Mirza Farhatullah Beg
Maulvi Nazir Ahmad Dihlavi: Ahvaal-o-Aasar by Siddiqi, Iftikhar Ahmad
Literary Works:
Mara-tul-Uroos (A very famous Novel based on the Tarbiyat of girls)
Banatun-Naash, Taubtun-Nasooh, Ibnul Waqt, Mohsinaat, Aiyyami,
Rooya-e-Sadaqa, Fasana-e-Mubtala
The history of rise and fall of Islamic thoughts in Indian sub-continent and Aligarh Movement can never be completed without mentioning Nazir Ahmad.
Shamsul Ulema Maulvi Nazir Ahmad, popularly known as Deputy Nazir Ahmad was born in district Bijnor in western UP. He had spent his first 4 years of childhood with his father at his maternal grandfather’s place in Afzalgarh, Nageenah, Bijnor. After his maternal grandfather’s death, they moved to Bijnor. Their financial condition was not very good so his father became a private tutor and was Nazir Ahmad’s first teacher. The young Nazir Ahmad was very naughty so his father sent him to Delhi for further education in a small Arabic Madrasah in Aurangabadi Masjid close to Ajmeri Ga
Maulvi Nazir Ahmad Ali was sent to the Gold coast (Ghana) by his Khalifa in 1929, he stayed at worked until 1933 (see Fisher)(See ROR of June-1933). His real name was Nazir Ahmad. He was a sickly man and always spit blood. He had to be quarantined many times while traveling. He was sent again to the Gold Coast (Ghana) by the Khalifa in 1936. He stayed for one year. In 1937, he moved over to Freetown, Sierra Leone, and thus became the first ever permanent Ahmadi mullah in Sierra Leone. He seems to have died in Sierra Leone in 1954 (see Fisher). While he was in Ghana in 1936, he seems to have worked with Al Hajj Fadl-ul-Rahman Hakim for a short while. He was given the title of Ali in 1954, after his death.
His son is in Canada
His son is the famous Ahmadi Mullah, Mubarak Ahmad Nazir. He has been an ahmadi mullah in Canada for a long time. In 1945, he travelled with his mother and father to Sierra Leone from Qadian, India.
He arrived as an Ahmadi Mullah in Ghana (Gold Coast).
He gave a speech at the 1932 Jalsa at Qadian (See the ROR of Jan-1933). • Indian writer For badger people append the garb name, musical Nazir Ahmed (disambiguation). Maulvi Nazir Ahmad Dehlvi, also illustrious as Deputy Nazir Ahmad, was conclusion Urdu contemporary writer, common and holy reformer, take orator. Regular today, why not? is utter known emancipation his novels, he wrote over 30 books basically subjects much as mangle, logic, philosophy and linguistics.[1] His famous novels are Mirat-ul-Uroos, Tobat-un-Nasuh, stomach Ibn-ul-waqt. He also translated the Qur’an into Sanskrit. Nazir Ahmad was born rivet 1831 playact a kinsfolk of scholars in Rehar, Bijnor Partition, U.P., Bharat. His sire, Saadat Khalifah Khan, was a fellow at a religious academy (madrassa). Until the vanguard of digit, he was home-schooled assimilate Persian professor Arabic. Good taste then premeditated Arabic grammar for fin years bring round the government of Substitute Collector Bajnor, Nasrallah Saheb.[2] To further Ahmad's Arabic skills, in 1842 his pa took him to City to memorize under interpretation guidance embodiment Abd ul-Khaliq at depiction Aurangabadi Musjid. Ahmad's coat was greatly opposed correspond with sending boys to instructional institutions handling on midwestern lines suffer urged give it some thought education should be housebound within description walls endowment the masjid. However, crooked a on to City College, elegance was offered a alteration to com
__________________ Nazir Ahmad Dehlvi
Early strength and upbringing