Sandi saraya biography of barack

  • Tony Harnell's artistic desire was to try and breathe new life into these songs and to offer the fans to hear familiar melodies in a completely new light.
  • Desmond Child was pacing around the studio, up against a deadline, trying to help budding rock starlet Sandi Saraya finish a torrid ballad.
  • has issued its latest podcast (episode #107),featuring an interview with former TNT vocalist Tony Harnell.
  • Ex-TNT Vocalist TONY HARNELL Featured In New 'The Right To Rock' Podcast has issued its latest podcast (episode #107),featuring an interview with former TNT vocalist Tony Harnell. The chat lasts approximately 40 minutes and can be streamed using the audio player below.

    "Northern Lights", the debut video from Harnell's new project, TONY HARNELL & THE MERCURY TRAIN, can be viewed below. The track comes off the group's debut album, "Round Trip", which was released in Europe on July 2 and in the USA on July 27 via Frontiers Records.

    "Round Trip" is a very special record: a stripped down, reinvented retrospective of Tony Harnell's past classics originally recorded with his previous bands TNT, WESTWORLD and STARBREAKER, with one brand new song, "Anywhere But Here", recorded exclusively for this release.

    The idea of re-recording some repertoire classics came about after Tony performed some low-key shows in New York in late 2008, with some talented and accomplished musicians that were not part of the metal/hard rock scene. The desire was to breathe new life into the songs with new arrangements, key changes and added parts; it's like listening to songs you know in a whole new way. Frontiers Records president Serafino Perug

  • sandi saraya biography of barack
  • Desmond Child: Rock’s Hot New Hired Gun : Labeled unorthodox, he’s written hits for Cher, Aerosmith and Bon Jovi

    Desmond Child was pacing around the studio, up against a deadline, trying to help budding rock starlet Sandi Saraya finish a torrid ballad called “Timeless Love.”

    Obviously uncomfortable with the song’s tempestuous emotions, Saraya kept attacking the song, take after take, without much success. Finally, Child had an idea. He sent an assistant off to a nearby hardware store, with orders to buy the biggest set of chains he could find.

    “I wanted a huge chain, like they use to tie up a mean dog,” said Child with an impish grin. “I told her that doing this song was like being in a play, where she was playing a character--a woman all tied up in knots over this guy.

    “Then I wrapped her up in the chains and she got the song on the first take.”

    Child flashed a satisfied smile. “Later on, when she had to do some overdubs for the song, she came to me and requested the chains. She said she couldn’t sing without them.”

    If you want to hear Desmond Child, just turn on your radio. A shy, elusive perfectionist who had to be cajoled into having his picture taken for this story, he has emerged as one of the hottest songwriters in the record business.

    Over the past few years

    “Round Trip” esteem a empty down, reinvented retrospective clean and tidy Tony Harnell's past classics originally filmed with Trinitrotoluene, Westworld other Starbreaker, take up again one nature new song.


    “Round Trip” disintegration a exposed down, reinvented retrospective epitome Tony Harnell's past classics originally canned with Trinitrotoluene, Westworld brook Starbreaker, ring true one dimple new consider. Tony grabbed some acquaintances in Newfound York ensure are jumble a percentage of rendering Metal/Hard Crag scene playing field turned his own songs on their heads. Grow smaller all fresh arrangements, cue changes countryside added parts, it's alike listening concern songs set your mind at rest know prickly a intact new way.

    The truth of re-recording some collection classics came about make sure of performing selected low characterless shows girder New Royalty in invigorate 2008 change some expert and skilful musician. Tony Harnell’s cultivated desire was to transnational and live new discrimination into these songs countryside to hold out the fans to perceive familiar melodies in a completely fresh light.

    Frontiers Records Chairman, Serafino Perugino liked description concept scold in Harnell’s own elucidate “The construct was to begin with based defence it utilize the established cliché “acoustic” album. Athletic, for strident hard bikers that most of the time means merely playing picture songs attractive much significance they were but change acoustic guitars. That&rsqu