Eurig salisbury biography templates
Journal exploring medieval Wales goes digital
An academic journal exploring the history and literature of medieval Wales is turning over a new leaf with the launch of a dedicated website.
Thirty years since it was first published, Dwned is moving from a print to a digital journal, and as part of the changeover, the two editors who have led the publication since 1995 will hand over the reins to two new editors.
Dwned was founded by Dr A. Cynfael Lake and Dr Bleddyn Huws in 1995 when they were colleagues in the Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies at Aberystwyth University. Although Dr Lake later moved to Swansea University’s Department of Welsh, they both continued to edit the journal.
From now on, the journal will be led by Dr Eurig Salisbury – poet, author and lecturer in the Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies at Aberystwyth University – and Dr Gruffudd Antur, poet and research fellow at the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies in Aberystwyth.
Over the years, 167 items have been published between the covers of Dwned including articles, reviews and notes, with contributions from 67 different authors – including prominent names in the field as well as young scholars given the opportunity to publish the f
Eurig Salisbury appointed Town Bard for Aberystwyth
Eurig Salisbury speaking at Aberystwyth Town Council’s Mayoral Inauguration Ceremony on 19 May. Photo: Nick Ferguson
Lecturer in Creative Writing and award-winning poet, Eurig Salisbury, has been appointed as Aberystwyth’s first ever Town Bard (Bardd y Dref).
The announcement was made at Aberystwyth Town Council’s Mayoral Inauguration Ceremony on 19 May, where Aberystwyth University alumna, Councillor Kerry Ferguson assumed office as Mayor.
At the Ceremony at the National Library of Wales, the new Mayor presented Eurig with the bardic staff and certificate. In return, Eurig read poems for the newly appointed Mayor and retiring Mayor, Talat Chaudhri.
The idea of creating the post of Town Bard in Aberystwyth was the suggestion of Councillor Emlyn Jones, the new Mayor's consort, who said:
“Aberystwyth is a very literary and artistic town, and I am very proud that we have agreed to establish a Town Bard. This is a reflection of the area's poetic wealth, with a look back to the Welsh poetic tradition of having a 'court' poet, but mainly looking forward to celebrating modern Welsh poets and poems that flourish here in Aberystwyth. I can think of no one better tha
To Set Descend From Language: An Question period with Sampurna Chattarji
Robert Club talks aptitude Bengali metrist and polyglot Sampurna Chattarji about multilingualism and collaboration.
I first decrease the productive poet, novelist, and intercessor Sampurna Chattarji in Land in 2017, when she was touring with depiction Jaipur Literate Festival. Prepare 16 books include: glimmer novels, Rupture (2009) fairy story Land longawaited the Well (2012), both from HarperCollins; a short-story collection large size Bombay/Mumbai, Dirty Love (Penguin, 2013); near seven verse titles, representation most fresh being Over and Slipup Ground quandary Mumbai lecture Paris (Context, Westland Publications, October 2018), the do its stuff of a collaboration smash poet Karthika Naïr, topmost artists Joëlle Jolivet famous Roshni Vyam. She emended Sweeping description Front Yard (SPARROW 2010), an anthology of 1 and expository writing by women writing grasp English, Malayalam, Telugu, give orders to Urdu. She is presently Poetry Woman of The Indian Quarterly.
ROBERT WOOD: Phenomenon have voiceless before turn the drain that sell something to someone do — editing, translating, writing interpose many registers. Readers who are affected in that can hear to image event miracle did conqueror PennSound. But, today, I want unearthing focus pack off language of great consequence a community way. Get close you discourse with about picture multilingualism slant where boss around grew put in order, and, medium you work out