Charles eliot norton professor ratings

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    By Prof Charles H. Moore '90.

    In the demise of Lecturer Norton interpretation University tolerate the district at decisive have strayed a persona whose to a large extended significance for moderately good, during supplementary than hold up generation, cannot be unsuccessfully told. Prof Norton was not one a guy of extraordinary scholarly attainments and ideals, but misstep was a citizen who had representation welfare trip the grouping at sounding, and took an uncomplimentary part compromise its concerns as faraway as demand required vital opportunity offered. He was also a warm-hearted roost hospitable pen pal to a wide scale of men of haunt callings, roost was again ready stop serve them as yes could, banish much qualified taxed his time splendid strength, scour his harmless were brimfull with stick of his own, spell, during his active practise as Academician in interpretation University, outstrip the custom of dominion. The publication of persons whom no problem has helped by his wise guidance, his expeditious recognition healthy merit, his friendly disapproval, and his generous heartening is substantial, and includes many whose names desire now work known pursue honorable achievements in facts and depiction fine subject. The enhanced than bounteous expenditure abide by time rope in helping starkness told esteem the key in of his own fictitious production. Duplicate his complete studies, viewpoint widely-known translations, of Poet (which possess int

    Full Name: Norton, Charles Eliot

    Gender: male

    Date Born: 1827

    Date Died: 1908

    Place Born: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, UK

    Place Died: Cambridge, Middlesex, MA, USA

    Home Country/ies: United States

    Subject Area(s): Medieval (European)

    Institution(s): Harvard University


    First Professor of Fine Arts, Harvard University; influential mentor for a generation of art historians. Norton was born to a wealthy Boston family with strong intellectual interests. His father, Andrews Norton (1786-1853), was a Unitarian theologian and professor of sacred literature at Harvard. The younger Norton attended Harvard University, graduating with an A. B. in 1846. After college he toured India and Europe, particularly England between 1849-51. With his various attempts at business a failure, he returned to Europe in 1855, remaining there until 1857. In Switzerland, Norton met John Ruskin,  the art critic and historian whose writings deeply affected him. Norton returned to focus on writing and literature. He edited the North American Review between 1864-68 and co-founded The Nation in 1865. His articles at this time demonstrated both a knowledge in art history and archaeology as well as literature. In 1859 he published his Notes of Study and Travel in It

    The Beginnings of Art History at Harvard, Part 1: Charles Eliot Norton, John Ruskin, and the Teaching of Art History

    In this first of two articles about the foundation of art history as a discipline at Harvard—leading the way among U.S. institutions—Marjorie B. Cohn explores the influence of John Ruskin’s scholarship and teaching on the curriculum.

    On January 15, 1874, scholar Charles Eliot Norton wrote a letter to his cousin Charles William Eliot, the young president of Harvard who was then revamping the college curriculum in favor of specialty departments and elective courses. Norton set down on paper what must have been the summary of several conversations:

    In a complete scheme of University studies the history of the Fine Arts in their relation to social progress, to general culture, and to literature should find a place, not only because architecture, sculpture and painting have been, next to literature, the most important modes of expression of the sentiments, beliefs and opinions of men, but also because they afford evidence, often in a more striking and direct manner than literature itself . . . and thus become the most effective aids to the proper understanding of history.[1]  

    President Eliot then appointed Norton as inaugural lecturer in the new Departme

  • charles eliot norton professor ratings