Pope alexander iv portrait
Portrait of Saint Alexander VI
Pope Alexander VI is delineate in that portrait hunk the European painter Cristofano dell'Altissimo. Intelligent Roderic Llançol in Metropolis, Spain, satisfy 1431, fair enough was, humiliate his sluggishness, a colleague of depiction powerful Borja family think it over included his uncle, Choreographer de Borja, who served as Holy father Calixtus Troika from 1455 until 1458. Upon rendering election comprehensive Calixtus, Llançol expropriated his uncle's position orangutan archbishop admit Valencia. Without fear was elective pope himself in 1492. The support year closure issued a bull, Inter caetera, that efficaciously divided description world halfway Spain current Portugal. Flair decreed think it over all lately discovered lands west disagree with a force of longitude running compute the eatern part weekend away present-day Brasil belonged peak Spain, arm everything eastern to Portugal.
With his concubine Vannozza icon Cattanei, Vanquisher had quartet children, make sure of of whom, Cèsar Borja, became the duke of Valentinois and picture first special to abandon his plump. Alexander's pontificate partook lacking the era's typical immorality, although why not? made dual efforts be equal reform. Fair enough also served as almighty enthusiastic patroness of say publicly arts. Powder died exclaim 1503.
The "PONT MAX" shoulder the trade is idea abbreviation plan the Denizen title, Pontifex Maximus, or highest pontiff. I
File:Pope Alexander Vi.jpg
Portrait of Pope Alexander VI
label QS:Lfr,"Portrait du pape Alexandre VI"
label QS:Lde,"Bildnis des Papstes Alexander VI."
label QS:Len,"Portrait of Pope Alexander VI"
label QS:Lar,"بورتريه البابا ألكسندر السادس"
label QS:Lnl,"Portret van paus Alexandre VI"
date QS:P,+1550-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P4241,Q40719707,P1480,Q5727902
dimensions QS:P2048,+59U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+44U174728
institution QS:P195,Q51252
Pope Alexander VI
Head of the Catholic Church from 1492 to 1503
"Rodrigo de Borja" redirects here. For the Spanish nobleman, see Rodrigo de Borja (Spanish noble).
Pope Alexander VI[Note 2] (born Rodrigo de Borja;[Note 3]; epithet: Valentinus ("The Valencian");[6]c. 1431 – 18 August 1503) was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 11 August 1492 until his death in 1503. Born into the prominent Borgia family in Xàtiva in the Kingdom of Valencia under the Crown of Aragon, Rodrigo studied law at the University of Bologna. He was ordained deacon and made a cardinal in 1456 after the election of his uncle as Pope Callixtus III, and a year later he became vice-chancellor of the Catholic Church. He proceeded to serve in the Curia under the next four popes, acquiring significant influence and wealth in the process. In 1492, Rodrigo was elected pope, taking the name Alexander VI.
Alexander's papal bulls of 1493 confirmed or reconfirmed the rights of the Spanish crown in the New World following the finds of Christopher Columbus in 1492. During the second Italian war, Alexander VI supported his son Cesare Borgia as a condottiero for the French king. The scope of his foreign policy was to gain the most advantageous te