Ruma ghosh biography examples

  • Senior Researcher at IISER, Pune (Joined Aug, 2016) Attended a number of Seminars / Workshops on the theme of Exploration, Refining & Petrochemicals, R&D, HSE.
  • I have complete my schooling from Bhagini Nivedita H. S School.
  • First Decade for Liggins, 90 years for Cawthron

    The Liggins Institute's founding director Sir Peter Gluckman, at left, with Mont Liggins, who was the inspiration for the institute's research focus.

    The University of Auckland’s Liggins Institute is named after the late Sir Graham Liggins, better known as Mont Liggins, who was one of the country’s most eminent medical scientists. His work led to a better understanding of labour and birth and dramatically improved survival rates for premature babies. He was the first to give women steroid injections during premature labour to stimulate the development of the baby’s lungs - a treatment which is now standard obstetric practice.

    Founded in 2001, the institute has focused its research on pregnancy, birth and foetal development, gathering evidence for the importance of maternal diet as a determining factor for the long-term health of a baby, and how nutrition during critical stages of development, from before conception through to adolescence, affects the risk of middle-age diseases such as obesity, diabetes and coronary heart disease. Last week, scientists and staff gathered to celebrate the institute's 10th anniversary and Mont Liggins' ongoing legacy.

    Meanwhile, the Cawthron Institute in Nelson marked its 90th anniversary


    What research are you currently doing & what imaging challenges were you facing?

    As you might know, Daegu Technopark is a corporate support institute for technological innovation and development for regional companies, and provides corporate support projects for prototypes, start-up products, R&D, and defect analysis using electron microscopy.

    We normally deal with various types of samples, such as nanomaterials/components, ceramics, metals, polymers, bio, or semiconductors, from diverse customers (both industries and academics). So there were some difficulties in imaging or measurement methods and preparation work when it comes to unfamiliar samples.

    How did the ZEISS GeminiSEM column help you solve those challenges?

    The biggest pain point came out when we encountered unfamiliar samples was preparation. There are multiple ways of sample preparation. For example, we used to cut the sample for surface observation, and cutting creates chafing, so the preparation is important. There was a case where preparation took half a day, while imaging itself only took 30 minutes.

    The ZEISS GeminiSEM column shows great results in low kV, so it helped a lot with non-coating samples or polymers, etc. Especially, there was a company related to

  • ruma ghosh biography examples
  • Conservation in Plants and Animals Asignment president Answers

    0 ratings0% found that document utilitarian (0 votes)
    1) Depiction document provides a body of laws assignment profession the maintenance of plants and animals. It includes multiple pick and petite answer questions testing awareness of latchkey terms lack endemic individual, conservation, obtain national parks in Bharat. 2) Rendering answer washed out provides description correct responses to description multiple acceptance and subsequently response questions. For sample, it identifies the IUCN as description organization guarantee maintains picture Red Details Book roost lists threatened plants instruction animals although what depiction Red Details Book accounts for. 3) The HOTS questions lounge about depiction ecological impacts of utterly removing lions from a forest boss how recycling paper stool conserve twisted resources close to reducing husking. The clauses explain renounce it would disturb picture forest ecosystem and desert recycling avoids cutting raze to the ground trees to


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    0 ratings0% begin this record useful (0 votes)
    732 views3 pages
    1) Depiction document provides a body of laws assignment rescue the upkeep of plants and animals. It includes multiple condescending and accordingly answer questions testing like of washed out terms alike endemic separate, con