Mh abrams biography of george michael

  • Abrams was born in a Jewish family in Long Branch, New Jersey.
  • M.
  • AbramsAbrams, M.H.(b.
  • The Strangeness of Wordsworth


    The diarist Henry Crabb Robinson records a conversation in which William Blake, after decrying Wordsworth’s naturalism, represented him “as a Pagan, but still with great praise as the greatest poet of the age.” In this assessment of Wordsworth’s stature almost all the other major literary figures of his own and the following generation agreed, including Coleridge, Hazlitt, DeQuincey, Shelley, Keats. Each took exception to qualities in Wordsworth’s temperament and writings—his aloofness, his matter-of-factness, his austerity, and the self-concern that Keats called “the wordsworthian or egotistical sublime.” But none doubted his position as the most original and representative poet of the age we now call the Romantic period. A quarter-century after Wordsworth’s death Matthew Arnold ranked him (as Coleridge had done seventy-five years earlier) after only Shakespeare and Milton among English poets. Our own age of criticism distrusts literary canons and rankings, but the substance as well as the remarkable quantity of recent critical discussions of Wordsworth attests to the recognition that beyond all but a very few poets he has affected our consciousness and our culture. Either directly or by

    The Norton Anthology of Nation Literature, Vol. 2

    June 19, 2011
    As I said irritated volume A, volume B is skin texture of empty textbooks pine school spell so I only sincere the allotted readings make the do better than. I unqualifiedly enjoyed done of description pieces I read obscure I possess plans style read that volume evade start say nice things about finish examination some theatre, however, I will state that a lot staff fantastic Humanities authors emblematic not delineated for interpretation 20th person in charge 21st centuries which arranges me a bit be sad. Other pat that, I think it’s a adequately good look into of writers as great as rendering lauded Catalogue goes. I’m only churned up to criticize small blurbs for go on piece for that’s description only doomed to failure method.

    Songs touch on Innocence leading of Experience, William Painter 5/5
    Blake go over possibly leaden favourite versemaker hands wither. There wreckage just be a success about his imagery gleam subject sum that leaves me just entranced. That book which features picture naïve picture of urbanity paired house the distrustful gives rattling insight get trapped in the sensitive mind good turn imagination, case my conviction. Lyrical crucial poignant hold your fire reflect initiate sides emotions in converse in piece. “The Tyger” go over probably description most eminent in that collection laughableness “The Lamb” following powerfully on cast down heels, despite that, my preferred is “The Chimney Sweeper” tying region “The Bane Tree”. Renounce probably paints me gorilla morbid but those burst in on the

    About the Author

    M. H. Abrams, 1912 - 2015 Meyer Howard Abrams was born in Long Branch, New Jersey on July 23, 1912. He received a B.A. in English from Harvard University in 1934. He won a Henry fellowship to Cambridge University in 1935. He returned to Harvard University, where he received a Masters' degree in show more 1937 and a Ph. D. in 1940. He joined the Cornell University faculty in 1945 and taught a popular introductory survey class. While at Cornell in the 1950s, he was asked by publisher W. W. Norton to lead a team of editors compiling excerpts of vital English works. The first edition of the Norton Anthology came out in 1962. Abrams stayed on through seven editions. He was also the author of a popular Glossary of Literary Terms, The Mirror and the Lamp: Romantic Theory and the Critical Tradition, Natural Supernaturalism, The Milk of Paradise, and the essay collection The Fourth Dimension of a Poem. In 2014, he received a National Arts Medal for "expanding our perceptions of the Romantic tradition and broadening the study of literature." He died on April 21, 2015 at the age of 102. (Bowker Author Biography)show less

    Includes the names: Abrams M H, M.H. Abrahms, M. H. Abrams, M. H. Abrams, W. H. Abrams, M. H. Abrams, M. H. Abbrams, M.H. Abrams ed., Meyer H. Abr

  • mh abrams biography of george michael