Deniz saribas biography definition

  • Inclusive STEM educator and mentor: removing barriers so all can shine.
  • The paper provides a case for the inclusion of epistemic perspectives on scientific practices in science teacher education.
  • Author Biographies.
  • The efficiency of metacognitive development embedded within a motivating lab regarding pre-service science teachers’ learning outcomes

    How to Cite

    Sarıbaş, D., & Bayram, H. (2010). The efficiency of metacognitive development embedded within a motivating lab regarding pre-service science teachers’ learning outcomes. Journal of Human Sciences, 7(1), 573–603. Retrieved from


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  • deniz saribas biography definition
  • Version Changes

    Revised. Amendments from Version 2

    The revised version of our manuscript contains a more detailed explanation of the teachers’ worldviews categorization procedure. We have added Table 1 to explain the categorization procedure and present a brief definition of each category and illustrative example quotes by teachers in the categories (please see p. 3). We have renumbered the tables throughout the manuscript accordingly.


    Background: This research deals with science teachers' worldviews in the educational-technological context. Obtaining a deeper insight into teachers' discourse regarding school digitalization and understanding teachers' worldviews in the educational-technological context may be viewed as crucially important since the latter tends to play a central role in the process of digitalization of teaching practices.

    Methods: This study addresses the following questions: (1) Was there a difference between the teachers regarding their foci of attention expressed via personal pronouns? (2) Was there a difference between the teachers in terms of the quality and degree of their emotional immersion in the discussed topic expressed through the use of emotion words? (3) What are the semantic fields of the word clusters that include the lexeme