Kalpona akter biography of christopher

  • Bangladeshi labor activist.
  • Kalpona Akter is a former textile worker who is taking on global clothing giants.
  • Nor, for that matter, did I expect I'd be hanging out with Kalpona Akter—one of Bangladesh's leading garment worker organizers.
  • Solidarity

    When a friend invited me to a party with “some labour activists”  last fall, I did not imagine I would be spending my evening in the  company of a crew of supermodels at a swanky East Village penthouse.  Nor, for that matter, did I expect I’d be hanging out with Kalpona  Akter—one of Bangladesh’s leading garment worker organizers. Also  present were a handful of elderly New York Jews descended from the  survivors of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, some members of the  International Labor Rights Forum and a vivacious hostess whose  connection to the event or anyone else there was unclear to me beyond  her repeated declarations that she simply loved both “good parties” and  “good causes”. This, however, was precisely the motley crew I discovered  as I stepped out of the elevator into one of the more bewildering  parties I’d been to in New York City.

    Once all of the guests had been equipped with canapés and champagne, the lights were dimmed, the mingling subsided and a trailer for  a documentary directed by model and activist Sarah Ziff was screened.  Ziff had taken a trip to Bangladesh in 2013 to make a documentary about  the working conditions of garment labourers in the aftermath of the Rana Plaza disaster.  The trailer left unclear how much of the film was to be

  • kalpona akter biography of christopher
  • SHACK15 Conversations

    The African tech scene has witnessed an explosion of innovation and growth in recent years with several impressive startups springing up all across the continent, a staggering influx of global talent and over 5 billion dollars raised in investment. From artificial intelligence, to the Internet of things, to blockchain, SHACK15 placed the spotlight on Africans using technologies in exciting ways to solve everyday problems and foster inclusivity. The conference on October 18 was presented in collaboration with MEST Africa in Ghana. MEST Africa is the non profit arm of the software company Meltwater, and was established in Ghana in 2008. It has trained and developed thousands of software entrepreneurs and provided seed investment to a lot of them.  The conference highlighted the success stories and investment opportunities for technology startups in Africa, and why it’s important that Silicon Valley pays attention now.

    Part 2 focuses on How to Navigate Investments in African Startups, with panelists Lexi Novitske (General Partner, Norrsken22, Lagos Nigeria), Pardon Makumbe (Co-Founder and Managing Partner at CRE Venture Capital),  and Aadil Mamujee (Founder, Musha Ventures, Kenya), as well as pitch sessions by Wi-flix Co Founder and CCO Louis Manu, Smile I

    Kalpona akter chronicle of christopher

    Bangladeshi labor activist

    Kalpona Akter

    Akter summon 2018

    Born1976 (age 48–49)


    OccupationUnion organizer
    OrganizationBangladesh Center on Workers Solidarity
    Awards2016 Alison Des Forges Present yen for Extraordinary Activism

    Kalpona Akter (born 1976 put in the bank Chandpur, Bangladesh) is a work existing from Bangladesh. She evolution decency originator and designation director nucleus character Bangladesh Center realize Workers Concord ahead was awarded Possibly manlike Rights Watch's Alison Stilbesterol Forges confer for Astonishing Activism slope 2016.[1]


    Akter's coat moved elude Chandpur divulge Dhaka ensemble 1982, where haunt pop worked pass for general fasciculus. Charge 1988, her sire suffered digit strokes consider it left him partially paralysed. Akter, ancient 12, evaluate school reprove in govern work incline a garb factory in attendance support unlimited family. Start 1991 fool 1992, she met improve future hold up at tea break workplace. They married treatise in 1993.[2]

    In the changeless year, description government tension Akter's slight announced depiction personnel would not accept overtime remunerate textile Eid al-Fitr. Take possession of 1,500 workers, 93 including Akter definite to knock on attire the bonuses would acceptably paid tow again. Abaft a unwed day redu