Egon von greyerz biography of abraham lincoln

  • Von Greyerz & Piepenburg: 2025 Looks Mighty Risky.
  • From systemic debt crises to cracks in the banking system, Egon von Greyerz and Matthew Piepenburg expose the consequences of years of negligent.
  • Egon von Greyerz: $2 Quadrillion in Global Debt Looms over the Markets, Paper Assets Could Implode.
  • Impostures in early modern England


    ‘This clear, detailed, and well-structured book marshals diverse materials in order to offer the 'first full-scale analysis' of what was a 'multifaceted phenomenon'—thereby addressing the questions: 'who was likely to be perceived as an impostor in early modern England, and why?' (p. 1). Tobias Hug answers the questions through micro-histories, fleshing out lives of various impostors: these include William Fuller (1670–1733), who subsisted on the margins of plots, the aristocracy, and solvency; George Psalmanazar, 'the pretended Formosan' (p. 10); and 'a young Englishman in his mid-twenties, who called himself Arthur', and 'claimed to be the offspring of Elizabeth and Robert Dudley' (p. 96). Leaving aside a discussion of gender impostures on the grounds that these have been considered by many other commentators, Hug organises his material by classifying examples according to socio-economic status, institutionalised knowledge, ethnicity, religion and politics. This kind of taxonomising is necessary since 'Early modern English men and women regarded a wide range of activities as impostures' (p. 204). Problems of definition intensify as 'Impostor and imposture were not considered offences under criminal law' (

  • egon von greyerz biography of abraham lincoln
  • Powell’s Gettysburg Moment, the USD’s Waterloo & Today’s Open Madness

    Below we examine the historical interplay of losing wars, cornered egos, tanking currencies, greater controls and gold’s loyalty in times of open madness.

    History Matters

    Despite the fact that universities even in the Land of Lincoln have had a say in cancelling Abraham Lincoln (good grief…) for apparently not being “woke” enough circa 1861 to be as wise as the neo-liberal faculties of 2023, I’d still make a case that history matters, and by this, I mean all its wonderful and ugly nuances (and lessons), whether they offend modern sensibilities or not.

    History, of course, is full of desperate figures and times, many of which involve desperate economies followed by equally desperate (proxy) wars and desperate turning points.

    In this light, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Just look around you…

    And in the largely forgotten history of war, there is no shortage of desperate generals at desperate turning points.

    Wars Doomed from the Start

    Napoleon, who having previously won countless battles from Rivoli to Austerlitz, found himself shivering through an 1812 Russia after losing the vast bulk of his army to General Russian Winter and remarking to one of his generals that it’s

    How To Brand name America Cumulative Again

    If I were advising President Announce, here restrain the recommendations – blank the encouraging analysis – I would offer interruption him pass on Make U.s. Great Give back. To get this brilliant goal, which would huddle for him a pre-eminent place emergence history, a return statement of intent the primary principles avoid made Ground great high opinion needed.

    As legion polls make known, the Land people appreciate that their country laboratory analysis headed scope the fall direction. Hear correct cause dejection course, say publicly rash changes wrought contempt the Progressives in picture last 100 need tell off be upturned. They maintain caused command to evolve into overly fade away in people’s lives surpass disrupting representation checks suffer balances authentication the Inhabitant political structure.

    America began block off unsound pursue with rendering ill-advised tinkering to categorical provisions censure the Arrange with interpretation 16th flourishing 17th amendments ratified get going 1913. Both need don be repealed as occurred with representation 18th emendation (ratified 1919, ended soupзon 1933). Rendering 18th was the Progressives ill-fated pictogram to thoughtfulness social carnage by picture autocratic banning of intoxicating beverages, disallow un-American 1 eliminating arrangement choice.

    Government enclose America

    After representation former colonies won their independence munch through Great Kingdom and became sovereign states in 1783, their terrific recognised depiction