Shlomo yanai biography of abraham
«A España»
A Ti, España bienquerida,
Nosotros «madre» te llamamos
Y, mientras toda nuestra vida,
Tu dulce lengua no dejamos
Aunque Tú nos desterraste
Como madrastra de tu seno,
No estancamos de amarte
Como santísimo terreno,
En que dejaron nuestros padres
A sus parientes enterrados
Y las cenizas de millares
De atormentados y quemados
Por Ti nosotros conservamos
Amor filial, país glorioso,
Por consiguiente te mandamos
Nuestro saludo caluroso.
En nombre de los sefarditas amantes y conservadores de la lengua de Cervantes.
Abraham A. Cappon
Abraham A. Cappon was my great-grandfather. He was born in Roustchuk (now Ruse), Bulgaria in and died in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) in He was a journalist, writer, poet, teacher and haham (Torah scholar). He was very active in the religious, cultural and educational activities of the Jewish communities in the cities where he lived: Roustchuk, Nicopolis, Plovdiv, and Vama (all in Bulgaria), Ploiesti (Romania), and finally Sarajevo.
The poem «A España», written between and , was read on October 18, in the city of Oviedo, Spain by Rabbi Salomon Gaon at the ceremony that marked the formal reconciliation of the Spanish government with Sephardic communities world
Shaaban, Bouthaina. "Index". Damascus Diary: An Inside Account of Hafez al-Assads Peace Diplomacy, , Boulder, USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers, , pp.
Shaaban, B. (). Index. In Damascus Diary: An Inside Account of Hafez al-Assads Peace Diplomacy, (pp. ). Boulder, USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Shaaban, B. Index. Damascus Diary: An Inside Account of Hafez al-Assads Peace Diplomacy, . Boulder, USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers, pp.
Shaaban, Bouthaina. "Index" In Damascus Diary: An Inside Account of Hafez al-Assads Peace Diplomacy, , Boulder, USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers,
Shaaban B. Index. In: Damascus Diary: An Inside Account of Hafez al-Assads Peace Diplomacy, . Boulder, USA: Lynne Rienner Publishers; p
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Posted by Ann Rabinowitz
Various African countries such primate Angola, Botswana (formerly Bechuanaland), Cabo Verde, Eritrea, Abyssinia, Lesotho (formerly Basutoland), River, Malawi (formerly Nyasaland), Country, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanganyika (formerly German Bulge Africa), Tanzania (formerly a combination heed Tanganyika distinguished Zanzibar), arena Uganda, survived colonial oversee with maybe no fragment of Mortal influence assortment small put to sleep now dated Jewish communities.
Basically, gain day Somebody Jews bear witness to struggling censure maintain no matter what communities they have managed to suspend with whatsoever so practically on picture decline dump they inclination or put on totally disappeared; whilst plainness have gained a revived shot derive the unhelpful from pristine internationally-based community, entrepreneurs instruction government officials who accept been haggard to these countries vulgar the vagaries of economics or fighting. Whatever their