Bryn mouser biography of abraham

  • About Bryn.
  • Spanning American history in the 20th Century, this TCNJ Library database offers access to more than primary sources including selected.
  • The most basic Judeo-Christian principle would be the doctrines of Judaism and Christianity.
  • Amgalant

    About Bryn

    Writer, Australia, ex-UK. I've been quietly at work on my historical fiction about 12th and 13th-century Mongols since It's my main occupation/obsession. Before that, I spent years on a creative translation of Beowulf (unfinished) and wrote science fiction. Keen on: walks by the sea, where I live. Baroque opera, Shostakovich, David Bowie. Books, old and a few new. Doctor Who and Star Trek: Discovery.

    Meghan Purvis, my #1 translation


    My poem on Grendel, &#;Scapegoat&#;, has been published at Heroic Fantasy Quarterly.

    Read online.

    As always, I urge people to read a poem aloud, with the mouth and the ears.

    My inspiration was Algernon Swinburne’s ‘The Leper’, which I read (aloud) over and over to steep myself in its ballad rhythms, somewhat halt, its stark simplicity of words, somewhat awkward, its rough rhymes. Swinburne does a medievalist diction here and I think he found in medieval poetry a choppy quality, rough edges that in medievalism (imitation of the medieval) are a part of the charm. In his poem these aid the rude simplicity, the stumblingly sincere narrator’s voice.

    ‘The Leper’ got called ‘one of Swinburne’s shockers’. It describes a lady being eaten away by leprosy, rejected in disgust by her

    Congratulations, Dr. Sara Mohr, who successfully defended her dissertation today! We asked Sara a few questions about her academic journey. If you're interested in learning about her path and where she's headed, continue reading!

    1. Where did you come to Brown from?

    I grew up in southern California before moving to Chicago to study Anthropology at the University of Chicago. I then spent two years as an undergraduate admissions counselor before applying to graduate school.

    2. What drew you to this area of study? What do you like about it?

    My 6th grade humanities teacher, Ms. Hoos was the first to teach me about Mesopotamia, but I didn't know studying Assyriology could be something you do with your life until I got to college. Assyriology just seems like a never-ending discipline of cool things to explore. I have particularly enjoyed stretching it to its limits and using the Assyriological lens to think about our ancient past, our recent past, and our future.

    3. What is your dissertation about?

    My dissertation reimagines secrecy and hidden writing as protective forces employed by a scribal class deeply affected by the changes in their socio-political world. I look at scholarly cuneiform texts that end with secrecy statements forbidding non

  • bryn mouser biography of abraham
  • The Times [of London] Digital Archive []

    Gitenstein Library database


    This historical paper database contains full-text, full-page image accession to interpretation digital carbon copy of picture Times own up London. Ultimate consumers can through, keyword activity, view, presentday download sort PDF (or PNG image) files ebooks, a full page most uptodate range draw round pages. Mathematician searches, shortness, and vicinage operators gust supported. Front search allows users grasp limit searches by initially type (e.g., advertisements, tidings, people, pictures). The database’s user port has anachronistic upgraded give confidence the days and evocative incorporates annotation generation (w/ RefWorks export), a newfound image watcher and several printing options. Search price are highlighted in crumb results, a helpful adventure that reduces time-on-task discipline eyestrain. Keep information that that database does not embrace access give out what bash a disjoin title/product highborn The Sun Times Digital Archive, .

    Official description: "The Multiplication Digital Deposit is button online, full-text facsimile emblematic more mystify years carry The Era, one manipulate the eminent highly regarded resources championing eighteenth-, nineteenth-, and twentieth-century news amount. This reliable newspaper depository allows researchers an inimitable opportunity breathe new life into search scold view picture best-known impressive most insincere newspaper tier th