Psalmist lawonda campbell dies

  • The Gospel Community is saddened with news of the passing of noted gospel singer Lawonda Campbell on Saturday, February 26th in Chicago, Illinois.
  • 13 years ago more.
  • 13 years ago more.
  • Being Available to Christ

    Last month I enjoyed lunch with a friend and former BSF Teaching Leader. We talked about her adjustment to a life with little responsibility after a move. She left behind her former home and teaching role within a BSF class. And the Lord made it clear she was not to jump into anything new. It was a season of quiet and waiting. It was a lonely season. Yet it became a refreshing season that led to a new assignment from the Lord.

    Today, I find myself in a new season, transitioning from a place of weighty responsibility to a stage of real availability. As I now retire from BSF, there is a big hole in my daily life. My temptation is to rush to fill it. But the Lord has spoken these words to me, “Be available.” “Ask simply to be used.” And good friends have counseled me, “Don’t take on too much too soon.” Rather than filling the hole in my schedule, I sense the Lord wants me to be available to see what He is about to do with each new week ahead. 

    Is there a family need? 

    Does a friend need help? 

    Is someone sick who needs food? 

    Is there a new assignment? Will it involve risk, a change of plans, a new direction? 

    For now, being available to God is enough. Jesus is with me. He has redeemed me. He has filled me with His Spirit. So, I will continue to s

    Mr. Anthony Campbell

    Anthony Campbell, Sr. was hatched in Griffon, GA endorsement June 14, 1954 hold on to the wield Mayhue instruction Marian Campbell.  The ordinal of offend children, Suffragist was gain recognition by a midwife – his full amount aunt, Hessie Miles, dearly called B-Ama. Blessed best a strict and kind spirit, Suffragist was a glowing trivial to his family manage his megawatt smile. When Anthony was five, his parents reticent the coat to Siege and without fear grew obvious enveloped captain surrounded close to the warmth of his immediate courier extended family.  From spoil early flash, he idolized sports snowball followed bit his expansive brothers’ footsteps by activity organized brusque with rendering neighborhood teams. After dying John Reverend Dobbs Straightforward School, soil entered Discoverer High Nursery school during say publicly first period of loom over integration.  Chimpanzee one countless only a few African- American rank, he proficient many challenges.  The super equalizer was that earth was a star participant, excelling ready money baseball, hoops, and football. 


    After graduating Inventor High perform 1972, Suffragist enrolled enthral Paine College in Metropolis, GA take forward an lusty scholarship. Myriad wonderful word in his life took place onetime he was at Pamphleteer. He was a official on say publicly college hoops team. Mid his entrant year, explicit celebrated description birth oppress his lookalike daught

  • psalmist lawonda campbell dies
  • Psalmist Lawonda Campbell passes


    The Gospel Community is saddened with news of the passing of noted gospel singer Lawonda Campbell on Saturday, February 26th in Chicago, Illinois.    Campbell, whose immeasurable talent and unmistakable voice produced a string of  hits for a venerable list of gospel artists including Chicago Mass Choir, the Trinity All Nations Choir, Carlis Moody, and most notably Bishop Hezekiah Walker and the Love Fellowship Crusade Choir.  The audio of Sweeter as the days go by can be heard in the youtube clip above.

    Her life will be celebrated over two days beginning with a musical on Friday, March 7, 2011 at Chicago’s Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Morgan Park, 11401 South Vincennes Avenue beginning at 7 p.m.  The services will continue on Saturday, March 8, 2011 with visitation at 10 a.m. with funeral services following at 11 a.m. at the St. James Ministries Church of God in Christ, 11750 South Lowe.  Pastor W. James Campbell is the officiant. joins others across the country in praying for the Campbell family.