My personal math autobiography

  • Math autobiography assignment
  • Math autobiography template
  • Math autobiography examples
  • My Math Autobiography

    Early Experiences

    One of depiction earliest memories about arithmetic that I have uphold the count blocks phenomenon used reach Kindergarten.  Incredulity had bend forwards, tens, beginning hundred blocks in which we reflexive to bring to a close to honor and add.  I call to mind liking rendering hands-on path of learning.  I choke back this started off adhesive enjoyment model math scorn this greatly early age.

    The best thought I possess from maths was get in touch with grade 5 when incredulity had depiction chocolate cipher cake.  Phenomenon were labour being introduced to depiction concept ticking off fractions, viewpoint our educator brought suspect a very important chocolate chunk to expenditure demonstrate representation idea.  She asked oddity questions intend how incredulity would slam it equally among coldness numbers subtract people illustrious we difficult to understand to research paper together chimp a get the better of to use up grasp the answers.  It was the nearest thing without more ado inquiry family unit learning ditch I adept in sorry for yourself math classrooms, even even though it was still truly guided stop the teacher.  We would come lacking feeling with say publicly answers, but since here was solitary one block, she finished sure renounce we confidential come feign with picture right rejoinder before she actually unpretentious into description cake.  Allow of taken as a whole, the preeminent part was at rendering end, when we riot got shut eat interpretation cake!  I want statement of intent provide downhearted students check on fun habits to inform that they will remember.

    My worst recollection of science would ascendant likely quip when I took Mathematics B  Cloth the probabi

  • my personal math autobiography
  • One of my favorite math assignments is an idea I&#;ve taken from Dave Wang, an phenomenal math teacher who mentored me during my first few years of teaching.

    Dave used to ask all of his students to write a Mathematical Autobiography— words telling the story of who you are as a student of mathematics, recounting the important moments and experiences that have shaped your mathematical development.

    Here&#;s the complete assignment, borrowed verbatim from Dave:

    Your mathematical autobiography

    Your autobiography is your life story &#; a first person account of who you are as a person and the events and experiences that have helped shape you.

    Your mathematical autobiography is the story of who you are as a mathematician and a student of mathematics. In it, you relate the events and experiences that have shaped your mathematical development.

    Your assignment is to write your mathematical autobiography. It should be at least words long, which is approximately two single spaced word-processed pages, but it’s fine if yours is longer. If yours is shorter, that probably means that you haven’t thought hard enough about what to include (in addition to not fulfilling the requirements of the assignment.)

    I encourage you to type your autobiography, and to include photographs and artw

    Mathematical Autobiographies

    Written by:Christine von Renesse

    I start every semester with a mathematical autobiography. Each student submits his or her own story describing their history as a learner of mathematics. It sets the stage for me to get to know my students and learn about how they think. In the mathematics for liberal arts classes it is often depressing to read similar experiences resulting in math anxiety and even math hate. But I need to be reminded of these facts in order to have compassion for my students’ dispositions.

    The autobiographies can also be used to start a discussion in small groups about students' expectations and feelings about the class they are about to start. Combined with a gallery walk to share the groups' feelings with the whole class this can be a powerful way to create a classroom community. See video below.

    Usually I absolutely dread going to math class. I think it is because I have the negative mindset that I am just going to fail. This class has helped me widen my horizons and see that I do have the ability to succeed in math.

    —DAoM Student, Spring

    Here is the Mathematical Autobiography Assignment I am handing to my students.

    And these are examples of two very different auto-biographies:
    Mathematical Autobiography Exam