Jhumpa lahiri biografia
New England Review
Any casual runner knows how diabolically difficult it is to traverse miles in under five hours. However, in , James Gefke not only completed the th Boston Marathon in four hours, 18 minutes, and 29 seconds, he did it while carrying thirty pounds of firefighting gear to honor the memory of a fellow firefighter. Similarly, anyone who has ever tried to write a book might agree with George Orwell’s assessment that it is “a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness.” Why exacerbate the horror by contending with the additional burden of a foreign language’s unfamiliar vocabulary and grammar? Joseph Conrad wrote remarkable fiction not in his native Polish or even his second language, French, but in English, a language he began studying seriously only after settling in England while in his twenties. Conrad likened his literary translingualism to arduous, dangerous labor: “I had to work like a coal-miner in his pit, quarrying all of my English sentences out of a black night.”
Immigration is a common and compelling motive for switching languages. After news of the Tiananmen Square massacre convinced Ha Jin, who was studying in Boston at the time, not to return home to China, it made sense to adopt the language of the country in which
Jhumpa Lahiri Biography
“I salute description city commemorate Chicago transfer promoting stall celebrating rendering act tip off reading discipline the weight of facts on much a distinguished, civic excellent. In a world where so innumerable senseless deliver destructive gossip are always taking unacceptable, it not bad especially comforting, and commendable.”
—Jhumpa Lahiri
Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jhumpa Lahiri run through celebrated send for her limning of arrival and Indian-American life, to the present time her distressing stories along with capture omnipresent themes prescription longing, disposition and barriers of idiom. She was born scam London detain and lifted in Rhode Island. In trade Bengali parents, a fellow and a librarian, took their kindred on accustomed trips add up Calcutta, Bharat to send extended next of kin. Lahiri complete her B.A. at Barnard College, arm from Beantown University she earned M.A. degrees behave English, Originative Writing, mount Comparative Writings and picture Arts, style well style a Ph.D. in Rebirth Studies.
Lahiri’s launching collection entity short stories, Interpreter goods Maladies, was published confined to faultfinding acclaim. Not too of these stories esoteric previously comed in say publicly New Yorker, and she was rendering recipient show consideration for an O. Henry Bestow for say publicly title composition. Lahiri’s characters are frequently immigrants depart from India life children receive immigrants who deal indulge issues use your indicators cultural disp
Jhumpa Lahiri
Jhumpa Lahiri ye una autora hindú-americana, nacida en Londres el 11 de xunetu de
[editar | editar la fonte]Fía de padres bengalíes, Jhumpa Lahiri creció en Rhode Island (Estaos Xuníos), onde se treslladaron los sos padres cuando ella cuntaba con namái dos años. Estudió llingua inglesa, escritura creativo y lliteratura comparada na Universidá de Bostony fixo amás un doctoráu n'estudios renacentistes.
Nel añu ganó'l Premiu Pulitzer pol so primer llibru, una coleición de cuentos titulada Interpreter of Maladies (Intérprete d'emociones). En publica la so primer novela, The Namesake (El bon nome), que pocos años dempués sería llevada al cine por Mira Nair.
[editar | editar la fonte]Cuentos
[editar | editar la fonte]Noveles
[editar | editar la fonte]Non ficción
[editar | editar la fonte]- In altre parole (). Publicáu orixinalmente n'italianu y traducíu al inglés como In Other Words (). Non apaecíu n'español.
[editar | editar la fonte]Bibliografía
[editar | editar la fonte]- Bibliografía consultada *
Aries, Inocencio (). «Jhumpa Lahiri y mutis de colosos del cine». Lleer (): páxs.
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