Table of contents :
In the Dark of the Year: Love Poems from the Japanese translated with prose settings
Young Akiko: The Literary Debut of Yosano Akiko (1878–1942)
The Dark at the Bottom of the Dish: Fishing for Myth in the Poetry of Mizuno Ruriko
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The Secret Island and the Enticing Flame
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The Secret Island and the Enticing Flame Worlds of Memory, Discovery, and Loss in Japanese Poetry
Edwin A. Cranston
East Asia Program Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853
The Cornell East Asia Series is published by the Cornell University East Asia Program (distinct from Cornell University Press). We publish affordably priced books on a variety of scholarly topics relating to East Asia as a service to the academic community and the general public. Standing orders, which provide for automatic notification and invoicing of each title in the series upon publication, are accepted. If after review by internal and external readers a manuscript is accepted for publication, it is published on the basis of camera-ready copy provided by the volume author. Each auth
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You can fasten off representation Clock pretend you hope for just uncheck the Checkbox. Image Source...
[M] Tsukuyo (Day/night) - Gintama - lasterk / ArseniXC (Vell)
slowed fall the area change, set in train was motionless in difficult speed. do not realtime just slower than beforehand. fullscreen side doesnt tool with parallax and i prefer parallax, so no animations rumination this depiction day/night rotation is gather together realtime, reasonable for corollary. charac... Illust ID: 1967330 Member: 我是小傻瓜 莉莉艾,日本任天堂公司发行的掌机游戏系列《精灵宝可梦》(国内常称“口袋妖怪”)中的登场人物,首次出现于第七世代游戏《精灵宝可梦:太阳/月亮》...
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Luomus on yhteensopimaton pelin Wallpaper Engine kanssa. Katso ohjesivut nähdäksesi miksi kyseinen luomus ei ehkä toimi pelin Wallpaper Engine kanssa.
You can turn off the Clock if you want just uncheck the Checkbox. Image Source...
[M] Tsukuyo (Day/night) - Gintama - lasterk / ArseniXC (Vell)
slowed down the scene change, it was still in testing speed. still not realtime just slower than before. fullscreen layer doesnt work with parallax and i prefer parallax, so no animations on this the day/night cycle is not realtime, just for effect. charac... Illust ID: 1967330 Member: 我是小傻瓜 莉莉艾,日本任天堂公司发行的掌机游戏系列《精灵宝可梦》(国内常称“口袋妖怪”)中的登场人物,首次出现于第七世代游戏《精灵宝可梦:太阳/月亮》...