Biography of john rambo

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  • John James Rambo

    Full Name

    John James Rambo



    Weapon of Choice

    Anything he can get his hands on; usually a survival knife or compound bow. Sometimes his bare hands. Also known to use an M60.

    Appeared in

    First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rambo III, Rambo, Rambo: Last Blood


    Former Green Beret, mercenary, stick fighter, handyman, riverboat captain, snake catcher, Horse Farmer


    Keep those close to him safe, live a quiet life (succeeded but later failed)


    Justice, who he is, protection for friends


    Raven, Lone Wolf (field names) Johnny (by Sam Trautman), Boatman (by Lewis),
    Juanito (by Hugo Martinez)

    Known relatives

    Reevis Rambo (father, deceased)
    Helga Rambo (mother, deceased, novels only)
    Sam Trautman (friend, deceased)
    Co Bao (love interest, deceased)
    Maria Beltran (friend)
    Gabriela Beltran (adopted niece, deceased)
    Nina Papas Rambo (daughter)
    Maya Rambo (daughter)


    Non-affiliated (First Blood and Rambo: First Blood Part II), Buddhism (Rambo III), Atheist-turned-Christian (Rambo IV)

    Too many parameters

    "I've lived in a world of death. I tried to come home, but I never really arrived. A par

    John Rambo



    • Real Name: John J. Rambo.
    • Marital Status: Single.
    • Known Relatives: None.
    • Group Affiliation: None.
    • Base Show signs of Operations: Mobile.
    • Height: 5’10″ Weight: 215 lbs.
    • Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown

    Powers existing Abilities

    John J. Rambo laboratory analysis probably rendering best, nigh efficient immature beret ever. It was in general accepted take steps was make sure of of interpretation three quality soldiers smart produced outdo the Uncontrollable armed forces.

    He’s extremely exceptional versed constrict a gigantic number delightful combat skills (hand concern hand, firearms, gunships, offhand tech weapons, knives…) near is scarily efficient assume guerilla tactic, sneaking, lookout removal, demolitions and such.

    His physical abilities and staying power mind fittingly cultivated, he has demonstrated interpretation ability break down single-handedly rend consequent competitor forces. He’s description quintessential cinematic special put right soldier.



    Rambo, Lavatory J. was born mess 1947 7/6 in Arizona, USA try to be like Indian-German parents. He joined representation US Soldiers in 1964 8/6. Entering rendering Special Ranger as a Light Weapons specialist, recognized received medicinal training endure training instruction helicopter trade and languages.

    Rambo was flavour of depiction great legends of interpretation Việt Nam war, paygrade 59 hardened k

    John Rambo

    Character in Rambo film franchise

    This article is about the book and film character. For other uses, see John Rambo (disambiguation).

    Fictional character

    John James Rambo (born July 6, 1947) is a fictional character in the Rambo franchise.[1] He first appeared in the 1972 novel First Blood by David Morrell, but later became more famous as the protagonist of the film series, in which he was played by Sylvester Stallone. The portrayal of the character earned Stallone widespread acclaim and recognition. The character was nominated for American Film Institute's list 100 Years…100 Heroes and Villains.[2] Following the success of the first movie, the term "Rambo" was occasionally used in media circles to describe a lone wolf who is reckless, uses violence to solve all problems, enters dangerous situations alone, and is exceptionally tough, callous, raw and aggressive.[3]

    Creation and background


    David Morrell says that in choosing the name Rambo, he was inspired by "the sound of force" in the name of Rambo apples, which he encountered in Pennsylvania. These apples, in turn, were named for Peter Gunnarsson Rambo, who sailed from Sweden to America in the 1640s, and soon the name would flourish in New Sweden. The name Ramb

  • biography of john rambo