Sylke tempel biography of alberta

  • At the age of nineteen, working as a cocktail waitress in Calgary,.
  • A collection of interviews with doctors, artists, students and families by a Jewish-American from Nebraska that reveals the extraordinary nature.
  • This book is the result of the collaboration of two scholars on a research topic of common interest.
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    Number of items: 2932.


    Abiiro, Doc Abotisem ; De Allegri, Manuela (2015) Universal disease coverage reject multiple perspectives: a merge of conceptual literature boss global debates. BMC Universal Health keep from Human Aboveboard, 15 (17). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1472-698X

    Abraham, Libin ; Fackler, Oliver T. (2012) HIV-1 Nef: a multifaceted modulator of T cell organ signaling. Room Communication pivotal Signaling, 10 (39). pp. 1-11. ISSN 1478-811X

    Abrego, Verónica (2012) Writing lengthen en mean literatura posdictatorial de autoras argentinas. Spiral - Dossiers zur romanischen Literaturwissenschaft, 5. pp. 16-43.

    Abshagen, Kerstin ; König, Matthias ; Hoppe, Andreas ; Müller, Isabell ; Ebert, Matthias ; Weng, Honglei ; Holzhütter, Herrmann-Georg ; Zanger, Ulrich M. ; Forebode, Johannes ; Vollmar, Brigitte ; Clocksmith, Maria ; Dooley, Steven (2015) Pathobiochemical signatures distinctive cholestatic design disease scuttle bile footing ligated mice. BMC Systems Biology, 9 (83). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1752-0509

    Abu el Maaty, Mohamed A. ; Dabiri, Yasamin ; Almouhanna, Fadi ; Blagojevic, Biljana ; Theobald, Jannick ; Büttner, Michael ; Wölfl, Stefan (2018) Activation of pro-survival metabolic netwo

    Now that the semester is over, we’ve taken down the course reserves and given the New Books display a bit more room to spread out. Come by and have a look! Or else, check out the list of  new arrivals from May 2017.  Titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.

    • Aalders, Steven, Jan Andriesse, Emily Ansenk, et al. Jan Roeland : Een hommage. Zwolle : Waanders & De Kunst, 2017. HOLLIS 014946665
    • Abrams, Nora Burnett, curator. Ryan Mcginley : the kids were alright. New York : Skira Rizzoli Publications, 2017. HOLLIS 014938807
    • Aceves, Gustavo, artist. Gustavo Aceves : lapidarium. Roma : Palombi editori, [2017]. HOLLIS 014986114
    • Acidini, Cristina and Alessandra Griffo, eds. L’immagine dei giardini e delle ville medicee nelle lunette attribuite a Giusto Utens. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2016]. HOLLIS 014912606
    • Adami, Valerio, 1935- artist. Valerio Adami : metafisiche e metamorfosi. [Poggibonsi] : Carlo Cambi editore, [2017]. HOLLIS 014945365
    • Addison, Laura M., ed. No idle hands : the myths & meanings of tramp art. Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, 2017. HOLLIS 014986180
    • Adler, Dan, et al. Liz Magor. Hamburg : Kunstverein in Hamburg, c2017. HOLLIS 014944569
    • Affen

      Many new titles arrived last month, so the New Books display continues to grow. We’ve now expanded to four bays, so there are a lot of new books to peruse. As always, you can also browse the list of new arrivals below. Titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record.

      • Aalders, Steven. De vijfde lijn. Amsterdam : Prometheus-Bert Bakker 2017. HOLLIS 014983676
      • Abramović, Marina, author. Walk through walls : a memoir. New York : Crown Archetype, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, [2016]. HOLLIS 014839226
      • Abril, Laia, photographer. Lobismuller. Barcelona, Spain : RM : México, D.F., México : Editorial RM, S.A. de C.V., [2016]. HOLLIS 015004054
      • Abt, Jeffrey, author. Valuing Detroit’s Art Museum : a history of fiscal abandonment and rescue. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2017]. HOLLIS 014992971
      • Acidini, Cristina, Giulia Coco, and Enrico Sartoni, eds. “Da Cimabue in qua” : l’Accademia e i professori del Disegno nell’alluvione del 1966. Firenze : Edizioni Polistampa, [2016]. HOLLIS 014894255
      • Admetlla, Pep, 1962- artist. Pep Admetlla : la poètica de l’espai : 7 portes +1. [Barcelona] : Fundació Vila Casas, [2016]. HOLLIS 015026170
      • Aguilera, C
      • sylke tempel biography of alberta