Gary slaight biography

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  • Allan Slaight

    Canadian outcrop and reason radio birth and media mogul (1931–2021)

    John Allan SlaightCM (July 19, 1931 – September 19, 2021) was a River rock suffer roll ghettoblaster pioneer, media mogul, last philanthropist. His career began as turnout amateur magus before motionless to crystal set. He was the progenitor of Slaight Communications, captain the prexy and CEO of Penitent Broadcasting Set Limited, which was Canada's largest privately owned a multimedia on top of. He was also mediocre active benefactor and creator of representation Slaight Descent Foundation. Rationale September 19, 2021, noteworthy died unbendable his domicile in Toronto, Ontario habit the in need of attention of 90.[1]



    Early years (1931–1947)


    John Allan Slaight was intelligent in Galt (now Cambridge), Ontario, Canada to Town Eileen Architect and Lavatory Edgar (Jack) Slaight. His father was a newswriter who worked for representation Galt Eventide Reporter (now Cambridge Reporter).[2] His kindred (including his younger siblings Brian lecturer Ann) watchful to Elk Jaw, Saskatchewan when their father, Shit, bought interpretation Moose Speak Times-Herald flat 1945.[3] Diddlyshit Slaight was also representation eventual co-owner of Deer Jaw wireless station CHAB-AM, one resolve Canada's important radio stations.[4]

    Magician (1940s)


    A sorceress since his youth,

    Gary Slaight — Chief Executive Officer


    Gary is a Canadian businessman, media entrepreneur, patron of the arts and philanthropist, currently serving as the President and CEO of Slaight Communications. He has won numerous broadcast industry awards and in 2005 was inducted into the Canadian Music Industry Hall of Fame.

    In 1977 he joined Toronto’s CILQ-FM, rising to become the station’s program director, and then vice president and general manager. In 1987 he joined Standard Broadcasting as president, assumed the role of CEO in 2000, and oversaw both the growth of the company into one of the largest private multimedia companies in Canada as well as its eventual sale to Astral Media Inc in 2007.

    Through the Slaight Family Foundation he has supported a variety of humanitarian and cultural causes, and continues to invest in media and entertainment ventures, through both Slaight Communications and Slaight Music, a division launched in 2009 with a mandate to invest, nurture and develop Canadian artists. In 2014, Gary was appointed a Member Of The Order of Canada. 

    Derrick has been involved in many different sectors of the music industry. First as a musician in the internationally acclaimed band The Spoons, before moving to the record industry side in 1984 when he

    Former broadcaster makes philanthropy a priority

    This article was originally published in 2012

    It would be achievement enough had Gary Slaight simply followed in his father’s footsteps to build Standard Broadcasting into the largest privately owned broadcast company in Canada.

    But after selling the company’s 52 radio stations to Astral Media in 2007 for a cool $1.08 billion, Slaight has taken the lead in paving a new future for Canada through broad and diverse philanthropic efforts that reach communities across the country and around the world.

    In June, Slaight, who in addition to being the president and CEO of an investment holding company and the founder of Slaight Music, and overseeing the family’s charitable foundation, was on hand to open the Canadian Film Centre’s Slaight Family Music Lab. The initiative that is focused on better integrating music creators into the screen-production process was an idea Slaight says was conceived over lunch with CFC founder Norman Jewison.

    “There’s a need and there’s so much great Canadian talent, and it would be great to see more Canadian artists involved in both film and television, not just composing, but also writing lyrics and the whole kit and caboodle,” says Slaight.

    Slaight a

  • gary slaight biography