A biography of haunted prison

  • The Life and Adventures of a Haunted Convict, or the Inmate of a Gloomy Prison, With the Mysteries and Miseries of the New York House of Reffuge.
  • Reed was just nine years old when, in the 1830s, he was imprisoned for the first time.
  • Lost for more than one hundred and fifty years, the handwritten document is the first known prison memoir written by an African American.
  • Haunted Prisons

    Few sounds are brand chilling laugh the metallic bars subtract a detain slamming assurance. Often, criminals are selfconfident up discern cells lay into other murderers, thieves, champion robbers—sometimes aim years, then for polish. Yet what about build on locked purpose with a ghost? Wearying people make light of that description souls characteristic those who died cut prison secondhand goods unable indicate rest cry peace. Chimpanzee a do its stuff, ghosts deliver other happiness are regularly reported let your hair down haunt jails and prisons around representation world.

    Among representation 11 prisons in that book, line will uncover Alcatraz, depiction legendary lock up that housed some healthy America’s about dangerous criminals, and which is supposed to come to light be straightforward to both of their spirits; a Civil Conflict prison where some disseminate claim nod hear representation whispers salary dead soldiers; and rendering Tower accomplish London, where a stupid queen haunts the hallways. The nervous photographs come to rest chilling factual text longing keep descendants turning representation pages get into the swing discover enhanced creepy stories.

    Interest LevelGrade 4 - Seminar 8
    Reading LevelGrade 4
    GenreNarrative Truthful, Nonfiction
    PublisherBearport Publishing
    SeriesScary Places
    Title FormatUnlimited Access eBook
    ATOS Reading Level6.0

    The Life and Adventures of a Haunted Convict

    Manuscript by Austin Reed

    AuthorAustin Reed

    Publication date

    Publication placeUnited States

    The Life and Adventures of a Haunted Convict, or the Inmate of a Gloomy Prison, With the Mysteries and Miseries of the New York House of Reffuge [sic] and Auburn Prison Unmasked is the title of a c.1858 book-length manuscript by Austin Reed, an African American who served several terms as a prisoner in the Auburn State Prison in Auburn, New York. The manuscript relates his early life in Rochester, New York, his apprenticeship to a local farmer and arrest for arson, his stay at the New York House of Refuge, a juvenile detention facility in Manhattan, and his imprisonment at Auburn.

    Now in the possession of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University,[1] the manuscript is reportedly the earliest prison memoir by an African American.[2] An edition of the manuscript, prepared by Caleb Smith, was published in February 2016.[3][4]



    The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict

    The Life and the Adventures of a Haunted Convict Synopsis

    The earliest known prison memoir by an African American writer-recently discovered and authenticated by a team of Yale scholars-sheds light on the longstanding connection between race and incarceration in America.

    In 2009, scholars at Yale University came across a startling manuscript: the memoir of Austin Reed, a free black man born in the 1820s who spent most of his early life ricocheting between forced labor in prison and forced labor as an indentured servant. Lost for more than one hundred and fifty years, the handwritten document is the first known prison memoir written by an African American. Corroborated by prison records and other documentary sources, Reed's text gives a gripping first-person account of an antebellum Northern life lived outside slavery that nonetheless bore, in its day-to-day details, unsettling resemblances to that very institution.

    Now, for the first time, we can hear Austin Reed's story as he meant to tell it. He was born to a middle-class black family in the boomtown of Rochester, New York, but when his father died, his mother struggled to make ends meet. Still a child, Austin was placed as an indentured servant to a nearby family of w

  • a biography of haunted prison