Professor lyn beazley biography of william hill

  • In celebrating the vital contributions of Emeriti both new and existing, UWA are pleased to announce the establishment of the Emeriti Professor's college.
  • Professor Lyn Beazley AO​​ Professor Lyn Beazley was the Chief Scientist of Western Australia from 2006 until 2013.
  • Former Chief Scientist of Australia, Professor Lyn Beazley, was on the judging panel, carrying on the legacy established by her close friend Harry Butler.
  • Professor Blair is an experimental physicist renowned for pioneering a number of precision measurement techniques used for ultra-sensitive displacement measurements, exceptionally low noise clocks and oscillators, and gravitational wave research.

    His career has focused on the direct detection of gravitational waves first predicted by Albert Einstein in 1916 as part of his famous Theory of General Relativity. He led the establishment of the Australian International Gravitational Research Centre at Gingin, part of the School of Physics at the University of Western Australia, and the Australian Consortium for Interferometric Gravitational Astronomy.

    Professor Blair’s work at the Research Centre contributed to the international Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) scientific collaboration through developing technology to teach supercomputers to ‘hear’ the special sounds of gravity waves and rapidly detect the signals. He also contributed to the identification and resolution of the issue of ‘parametric instability’ in large US twin detectors at observatories in Louisiana and Washington State, enabling the world’s first direct observations of gravitational waves in 2015. This discovery resulted in a Nobel prize in physics for 3 leading LIGO American physic


    David Allan-Petale

    David Allan-Petale is a writer escape Perth, Northwestern Australia whose debut original Locust Summer was make do listed supporter the 2021 ALS Gilded Medal subsidize "an famous literary work," and shortlisted for say publicly 2021 WA Premier’s Unspoiled Awards. The manuscript was shortlisted book the 2017 Australian/Vogel’s Literary Confer, and formulated through a fellowship impinge on Varuna, representation National Writers’ House. King has worked uncontaminated many age as a journalist pull WA unthinkable internationally darn BBC Faux and Coverlet Jazeera.


    Mandy Bamford

    Mandy Bamford grew exonerate near interpretation Swan River, watching interpretation creatures dump spilled regain into rendering suburbs use urban swamps and bushland. As a child, lineage camping trips fuelled Mandy’s passion go for nature. Since graduating vary UWA, she has worked as barney ecologist viewpoint environmental communicator in investigating and trade. Mandy progression active presume community organisations and hit it off with squash husband Microphone, she runs Bamford Consulting Ecologists, a collaborative unit of ecologists who narrow in wildlife research current science tongue. Mandy bash fascinated building block vertebrate biology, urban manner, biodiversity, waterbirds and wetlands, and groundbreaking ways rant engage party with nature.


  • professor lyn beazley biography of william hill
  • Former Australian and state chief scientists have warned the post-pandemic recovery risks being squandered because of a lack of leadership, and called for a bolder and more coherent approach to innovation and the economy.

    Former Australian chief scientist Ian Chubb said the country must shed its historically risk averse ‘she’ll be right’ approach for a bolder and more targeted tilt at nation building in the wake of COVID-19.

    “Australia has comparative advantages, which you can turn into competitive advantage. But to do that you got to be willing to take a risk,” Professor Chubb said.

    “You’ve got to be willing to assess the risk and manage your risk. And I don’t think that we’re good at that and certainly our political leadership, overall … I don’t think gives me great confidence that they have the capacity to think like that.”

    Speaking at an Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering webinar last week, Professor Chubb backed Andrew Liveris’ call for a more complex economy through greater investment in research and development.

    Professor Chubb, who served as Australia’s chief scientist from 2011 to 2016, said a strong platform and pockets of excellence exist in Australia, but a fundamental change in approach was needed