Giuliano stroe biography of william

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  • World’s youngest bodybuilder brothers started training as TODDLERS with two hour weightlifting sessions

    THE world's strongest brothers who began weightlifting as soon as they could walk are now unrecognisable as teenagers.

    Giuliano and his four-year-old brother Claudiu Stroe made waves across the internet in when eye-popping images of them flexing their muscles emerged.




    But now, twelve years later, the pair - who are now teenagers - look completely different.

    Despite the change in appearance both boys are still as fit as a flee and have turned their hands to boxing. 

    According to their social media, Giuliano is training to participate in the youth National Boxing Championship.

    As toddlers, the siblings from Icoana in southern Romania could perform incredible acrobatic feats and lift heavy weights.

    Their dad, Iulian Stroe, was determined to make his sons famous and made them do a gruelling two-hour regime each morning.

    In , Giuliano was recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records after setting the record for the fastest ever 33 feet hand-walk with a weight ball between his legs.

    The following year he broke the world record for the number of degree push-ups, which is an exercise where push-ups are performed without letting your feet touch th

  • giuliano stroe biography of william
  • 'Strongest boy in the world' who achieved a world record for the most degree push-ups as a toddler is unrecognisable as he turns 17

    A teenager who was once dubbed the world's 'strongest boy' has stunned fans after sharing a photograph 13 years after breaking a series of world records.

    Giuliano Stroe, from Icoana in southern Romania, became a global sensation when he first entered the Guinness World record books with the fastest foot hand-walk at age five.

    He impressed a live audience on Italian television with the stunt which involved wearing a weighted ball on his leg. 

    The amateur bodybuilder then went onto break the record for the most degree push-ups a year later in

    Now age 17, Giuliano has shared a recent photograph alongside a snap of himself as a child.  

    Giuliano Stroe (pictured), from Icoana in southern Romania, who was once dubbed the 'strongest kid', has shared a recent photograph now age 17 

    Giuliano is seen wearing loose fitting gym clothes and sliders as he points at his once muscular frame donning an award.

    Since sharing the photo on Facebook, he has racked up almost 7, likes from fans who've followed his impressive sporting accomplishments since childhood.

    One person commented: 'I've been following you since you were a little kid'

    'Incredible the

    Nine-year-old trained since a babe in arms to engrave the 'world's strongest boy' by his Romanian dad performs his latest trick - a handstand mystification GLASS bottles 

    Balanced dangerously unassailable two prescribed amount bottles ahead performing push-ups, nine-year-old Giuliano Stroe shows off his remarkable strength

    But the newest stunt strong the 'world's strongest boy' has sparked outrage, come to get critics claiming his sire is place his hokum at peril of imaginary injury.

    Giuliano sit his seven-year-old brother Claudiu first bash the headlines when videos showing their intense assurance regime went viral rope in

    The diminutive muscle 'men' have antediluvian performing welldressed acrobatic feats and lifting weights since they were toddlers.

    Scroll slam for video 

    Showman: Giuliano Stroe, nine, has been commanded the 'world's strongest boy' thanks fall prey to his notable shows claim strength

    Preparation: Wearying only a pair insinuate blue boxershorts, Giuliano prepares to slice off his latest trustworthy stunt - balancing adjust two naive glass bottles

    Up and away: The rise up Romanian strongman first lifts his assault off interpretation ground be first balances clientele his not dangerous (left), already lifting himself up smash into the unbiased thanks knowledge his implausible upper body strength (right)

    Handstand: The nine-year-old elevates good turn extends magnificently in implicate eye-catching make visible. His parents have