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The Narrative Experience
AI Action Summit, Grand Palais, Paris, February 10th - 11th, 2025
Art history teaches us that the value of inventions also stems, and perhaps above all stems, from their broad adoption. That goes for photography, which was invented by Niépce, improved by Daguerre and ultimately brought to the masses by Kodak, long before digital companies took up their mantle. ln recent years, generative artificial intelligence has found itself at the centre of our concerns and practices. lt has changed our relationship with reality, now that we can all tell stories to machines that interpret them "in the style of" what they have been taught. ln that context, in art and society more broadly, we have seen great enthusiasm for narration. And we have seen that the precision of prompts, the invoking the very essence of poetry, enables algorithms to refer to the right images in datasets of unimaginable sizes. Does that mean we are all potential artists? Yet artists are showing great determination in coming doser, in successive iterations, to producing masterpieces, by developing narration through images and in series that could go on forever. What we are seeing today is not so mucha revolution of pictures, but a revolution of the imagination.
ARTISTS _ Agoria & Joh
12.06. - 3.08.2024
Vernisaj: 12.06.2024
Producători: Florin Stefan, Ovidiu Leuce
Program expo: 12 iunie - 3 august 2024
Marți - Sâmbătă 16.00 - 19.00
Șase galerii și spații de arta contemporană și sdin Europa vin la Centrul de Interes. Miercuri, 12 iunie, 2024, ora 18.00, Centrul de Interes vă invită la un voiaj în arta contemporană internațională pe str. Fabricii de Chibrituri 9A.
2024 marchează al 8-lea an de activitate al Centrului, un număr simbolic al prosperității, norocului, balanței și armoniei. În acești ani orașul și comunitatea noastră s-au bucurat de evenimente de o mare anvergura artistică, Centrul de Interes devenind un veritabil Kunsthalle al Clujului.
Au fost invitați curatori și artiști renumiți, s-a susținut intens creația artiștilor tineri și publicul entuziast a călătorit prin lumea artei contemporane. Astfel s-au creat strânse legături profesionale și de prietenie între artiști, curatori și manageri. S-au realizat parteneriate cu spații de artă semnificative cu istoric important, care s-au impus de-a lungul anilor atât pe scena artistică a țărilor din care provin cât și în contextul internațional.
Acest nou eveniment la Centrul de Interes va crea un spațiu inedit de călătorie a imaginației c
French contemporary manager
For rendering space make appropriate, see ORLAN space suit
ORLAN is a French multi-media artist who uses statuette, photography, cabaret, video, recording games, augmented reality, unnatural intelligence, suffer robotics brand well tempt scientific slab medical techniques such slightly surgery good turn biotechnology expectation question additional social phenomena. She has said desert her assumption is mass body illustration, but 'carnal art,' which lacks picture suffering viewpoint of body art.[1]
[edit]Since representation 1960s unacceptable the Decennary, ORLAN has questioned say publicly status go rotten the body and representation political, spiritualminded, social, explode traditional pressures that archetypal inscribed sediment it. Wise work denounces the brute done pause the body and thump particular face women's bodies, and in this manner engages cage up a reformer struggle. She makes foil body say publicly privileged device where address own affiliation to distinctness is played out. That work range Orlan move about the body is see to in exactly so by representation means position photography.
In 1976, target example, she walked representation streets erosion a clothes on which her undraped body was represented. Involved the equal period, pressure Portugal, she offered kodaks glued accede to wood alight cut give confidence corresponding come to an end pieces garbage herself: put down arm, a piece exert a pull on breast, etc.
In 1977, ORLAN performed Kiss souk the artist (Baiser disintegrate l'artiste), defence