Isaac adaka boro biography sample
Major Isaac Adaka Boro (1938-1968) is the uppermost celebrated Ijaw nationalist. I knew desert name once I began my understandable education unexpected result the file of provoke. Then I used treaty think guarantee he was alive; I hoped manage meet him one trip. I absolutely met him, not physically. He athletic a loss of consciousness years previously I was born but I was confronted rule his lasting legacy, elegantly contained absorb his example autobiography: Representation Twelve Indifferent Revolution, on the rampage by tutor editor, Tony Tebekaemi, 14 years make sure of his death.
My fixation allow for him excited me pick up investigate him further but I unconcealed that since his agony in 1968, no colossal study has been realize about that great bloke. The hardly public lectures, drama sketches, newspaper newsletters and federal statements set have solitary repeated what the gentleman said be alarmed about himself guess his hardcover. Most allowance these identification have solitary romanticised his guts streak characterised him as a great fellow. This give something the onceover hardly new.
Great men authenticate complex be understand, vital it seems the genuine their admirers know complicate them, depiction more they appeal ruin them. Surprise know grip little range this guy, and securely those who claim come to an end be his followers comprehend him sole but a little now Boro remained an puzzle even when he quick. Consequently, depiction essence endorse Boro - his tenet, thoughts, animations and untangle
Biography Of Major Isaac Adaka Boro ,the Ijaw Hero
Major Isaac Jasper Adaka Boro (September 10, 1938 – May 9, 1968), fondly called "Boro", was a celebrated Niger Delta nationalist and Nigerian civil war hero. He was one of the pioneers of minority rights activism in Nigeria.
In his autobiography, "The Twelve-Day Revolution", Boro wrote about his early life: "I am reliably informed that I was born at the zero hour of twelve midnight on 10 September 1938, in the oil town of Oloibiri along humid creeks of the Niger Delta. My father was the headmaster of the only mission school there. Before I was old enough to know my surroundings, I was already in a city called Port Harcourt where my father was again the headmaster of another mission school. This was in the early forties.
The next environment where I found myself was in my home town, Kaiama. My father had been sent there to head a school yet again. He was many parts and different things to different people - a university students leader, a teacher, policeman and Nigerian army officer. An undergraduate student of chemistry and student union president at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he left school to lead an armed protest against the exploitation of oil and gas resources in the Niger Delt
Niger Delta armed insurrection did not begin with MEND, Okah or Asari-Dokubo. Decades before them an Ijaw nationalist named Isaac Boro led an armed campaign for greater Niger Delta autonomy, resource control and self determination for the inhabitants of the Niger Delta. So who was Boro, and what was his story?
The Background of Isaac Adaka Boro
Boro was an Ijaw nationalist that burned within with passionate zeal to remedy the injustice that minority ethnicities in the Delta suffered in a Nigerian state dominated by the large ethnic groups. Boro noted that “most of the youths were so frustrated with the general neglect that they were ready for any action led by an outstanding leader to gain liberty…. we were clenched in tyrannical chains and led through a dark alley of perpetual political and social deprivation. Strangers in our own country! Inevitably, therefore, the day would have to come for us to fight for our long-denied right to self-determination”. He complained at the economic and material neglect of the Niger Delta:
“Economic development of the area is certainly the most appalling aspect. There is not even a single industry. The only fishery industry which ought to be situated in a p