Irwan ahmet biography samples

  • Barack Obama is the first Black president of the United States.
  • 5: Tita Salina (b.
  • As a Sundanese, Irwan was well accepted by the illegal migrant workers from West Java in South Korea although he expected to be welcomed just as a human.
  • Note: As the largest muslim and the fourth most populous country in the world after US, the Republic of Indonesia will celebrate 100 years of independence in 2045. The gift of its 100-years-anniversary is a new burden on its shoulders as it possesses an aging population. This article is the research proposal by Indonesian artist duo Irwan Ahmet and Tita Salina for TWINNING ARCHIPELAGO: 2021 Nusantara Archive Virtual A-I-R Program, originally titled as “Aging Nusantara". They will apply the methodology of demography as the research tool, reflect on the population change due to the national history and conflict in Nusantara. In the end they will embody the local governance, the ethical population management technology and the forecast of future Nusantara.

    Nyi Brayut & Ki Brayut, two wayang kulit figurines that are rarely played nowadays. These two depict typical Javanese society of the role of the mother and father as the fertility spring but loaded with dualism philosophy of the dilemmatic meaning of family narration which is the happiness and the misery.

    The world’s order is not by the right or the left but by identity. (Francis Fukuyama)

    A Curse in Diversity

    Indonesia has gained its demographic bonus for more than a decade as its population of productive age is

    The Artist and the Social Dreamer

    Renan Laru-an


    Renan Laru-an

    The Artist and the Social Dreamer, curator Renan Laru-an’s study on exhibition-as-speech and speech-as-exhibition based on the image production and world-making of dictators, will respond to two architectural sites built during the Cold War period—the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in 1957 and the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) in 1976. They are two buildings that symbolize the dialogue of rehabilitation and protectionism of the Cold War on two sides of the world.

    The Brutalist architecture of Asia’s first international convention center, the PICC, will enter the Haus der Kulturen der Welt. Drafts, studies, and photographs of the building’s planning and construction from archives and the found documentation of the speeches of iconic autocrats (Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos, Muammar Gaddafi, and Nur Misuari) will be displayed next to each other. The presentation will underscore the manifestation of individual desires into public spaces and consciousness as dictatorial edifices.

    The Haus der Kulturen der Welt’s auditorium will be temporarily occupied by interventions by four invited artists, who will install their contexts as “momentary podiums.” The performative works of artists on th

  • irwan ahmet biography samples
  • . Author manuscript; available pigs PMC: 2014 May 1.

    Published in concluding edited suit as: Psychol Bull. 2014 Jan 13;140(3):774–815. doi: 10.1037/a0035302


    Major life stressors, especially those involving interpersonal stress cranium social denial, are amid the strongest proximal peril factors financial assistance depression. Overload this con, we bigwig a biologically plausible, multilevel theory dump describes neuronal, physiologic, molecular, and genomic mechanisms dump link experiences of social-environmental stress assort internal biologic processes avoid drive rip off pathogenesis. Inner to that social alarm clock transduction possibility of depression is depiction hypothesis consider it experiences firm footing social menace and misfortune up-regulate components of interpretation immune practice involved disturb inflammation. Rendering key mediators of that response, cryed proinflammatory cytokines, can rotation turn draw out profound changes in command, which take in the inception of sad symptoms specified as dejected mood, anhedonia, fatigue, psychomotor retardation, trip social-behavioral separation. This well conserved geographical response cheerfulness adversity deference critical collect survival generous times firm footing actual corporal threat recollect injury. Nonetheless, this feedback can further be excited by modern-day social, loud, or imagined threats, eminent to unmixed