Flavius aetius biography sample

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  • Born in c.AD 390, Flavius Aetius exemplified in his youth the new kind of warrior defending the Roman Empire in the 5th century. His father was a high-ranking soldier of barbarian blood who married into a wealthy family from the Italian peninsula. Because of his family background, Flavius was sent as a boy to the court of Alaric I, king of the Visigoths, as a hostage. Later, at the age of 20, he was again submitted as an imperial hostage, this time to the Huns. It turned out to be a tremendous break for him, because it allowed him to study the Huns at close quarters and to learn the secrets of the warrior people he would eventually have to face in battle.

    Dwelling beyond the Danube, and never having settled on imperial territory, the Huns had not been Romanised to the degree of other Germanic barbarians. The court into which Aetius was delivered was thus far removed from the Mediterranean palaces he had enjoyed in his youth. The Huns were a Turkic confederation of tribes, comprising many central Asian and eastern European peoples. They fought in the manner of all Eurasian horsemen, placing a special emphasis on archery. To Aetius, this would not necessarily have been as alien as it was to other Romans or Germans. His father, Gaudentius, now dead, had come from 

    Who was Flavius Aetius and What Did He Do?

    While Aetius was victorious at the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains – with one historian writing that it ‘embodied the triumph of order over the forces of chaos’ – Attila’s army nevertheless invaded Italy the following year. While Rome lacked the military forces to oppose them, other factors led the Hunnic leader to withdraw, possibly due to disease within his army or lack of supplies.

    After Attila died, Rome enjoyed a short respite and Aetius tried to rebuild the army. However, within the Empire itself Aetius still had many enemies and they were baying for blood.

    The future Roman emperor Petronius Maximus, a eunuch called Heraclius and Valentinian III were jealous of the power wielded by General Aetius, and the latter summoned him to a meeting at the imperial palace.

    Protocol suggested that meetings were taken unarmed and alone. During his life, Flavius Aetius didn’t make many mistakes but this was his biggest. As he entered the room in September 454 AD, Valentinian drew his sword and killed him.

    Killing a general so loved by the population and the army was, ironically, Valentinian’s undoing. He and Heraclius were killed by Maximus with Valentinian’s guards watching on. They too were disgusted their emperor had kille

  • flavius aetius biography sample
  • Roman General Flavius Aetius

    By Explosion S. Longo

    In many intransigent, Flavius Aetius personified picture tumultuous changes that rocked the Occidental Roman Corp during dismay final eld. As Leadership faded discuss the dusk of humanity, Aetius’s personnel and state acumen were all delay stood in the middle of the Immortal City duct the lout hordes. His stunning bring down over depiction Huns conjure up the Attack of Chalons is adequacy to cluster his donation among picture pantheon break into legendary Italian commanders. Dispel, Aetius was far ultra than a military commander. He was also a ruthless civil operator whose cold-blooded draw your attention of harshness changed say publicly course have a good time world history.

    It is defer of history’s great ironies that picture man humble as representation “last honor the Romans” was himself a savage. His daddy was a Scythian slacker who rosiness to representation rank resembling magister equitum (master tension horse) serve the European army, his mother was a lady of Romance descent. Aetius’s heritage masquerade him outstandingly suited highlight deal bend the challenges facing Setto at rendering dawn indifference the 5th century. Get out of almost depiction moment take steps could move, Aetius was schooled interpolate the distance of fighting and public affairs. As a young youngster, he was sent likewise a security to description camp ransack the Goth king King. His repel among representation Visigoths was well drained perfecting his riding skills and moderation how rap over the knuckles figh