Brahma shri kumar swami ji biography sample

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  • Brahmrishi Kumar Swami Ji

    Here are extracts from various discourses by His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar conducted during the year.

    Most religions of the World are very explicit in their beliefs and will not accept either debate or liberal thoughts about anything. The Hindu religion on the other hand, is far more accepting and believes in personal experiences over dogma. A believer’s personal experience is held infinitely more precious than mere expressions of faith.

    The Hindu religious philosophy accepts your right to test everything. It does not enforce blind belief or blind suffering rather, it encourages you to know yourself, inquire and be free. Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamij went on to add that the Hindu religious philosophy believes in the Universality of God. It believes that God is everywhere and in all things and he went on to narrate the story of bhakt Prahlad to an audience that heard him with rapt attention.

    “Gurudev” as His Holiness Brahmrishi Shree Kumar Swamij is popularly called by his followers, espoused that a Hindu religious discourse is not a one-way street. It is not a sermon; it is a two-way discussion and encouraged the faithful sitting in front of him to ask questions and have their doubts solved.

    In a reply to a question about rules in relig

    Brahma Kumaris

    Spiritual organization

    The Brahma Kumaris (Sanskrit: ब्रह्माकुमारी ("Daughters of Brahma")) is a spiritual movement that originated in Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan during the s.[1][2][3] Founded by Lekhraj Kripalani, the organisation teaches the importance of moving beyond labels associated with the human body, including race, nationality, religion, and gender, through meditation that emphasizes the concept of identity as souls rather than bodies. It aims to establish a global culture centered around what they refer to as "soul-consciousness".[4][5] The members of the organisation believe that all souls are good by nature and that God is the source of all goodness.[6]

    In , the organisation had more than eight thousand centres across countries and more than one million members.[7] Women continue to hold primary leadership positions within the organisation.[8]

    Early history


    The Brahma Kumaris organisation was founded in Hyderabad, Sindh, in northwest India (present-day Pakistan).[5] They were initially known as Om Mandali, as the members would together chant Om before engaging in a spiritual discourse in traditional satsangs (meetings). These original dis

  • brahma shri kumar swami ji biography sample
  • श्री कुमार स्वामी के खिलाफ एफआईआर के लिए दी गई शिकायत पढ़ें

    सेवा में, थाना प्रभारी, गोमती नगर, लखनऊ, विषय: श्री ब्रह्मर्षि कुमारस्वामी के विरुद्ध औषधि एवं चमत्कारिक उपचार (आपत्तिजनक विज्ञापन) अधिनियम, की धारा  7 तथा भारतीय दंड संहिता की विभिन्न धाराओं के तहत प्रथम सूचना रिपोर्ट लिखवाने हेतु


    हम आदित्य ठाकुर पुत्र- श्री अमिताभ ठाकुर व डा. नूतन ठाकुर और तनया ठाकुर पुत्री- श्री अमिताभ ठाकुर व डा. नूतन ठाकुर निवासी-5/ विराम खण्ड, गोमतीनगर, लखनऊ हैं. हम कक्षा 12, पुलिस मॉडर्न स्कूल तथा द्वितीय वर्ष, बीए,एलएलबी चाणक्य नैशनल लॉ यूनिवर्सिटी में पढ़ने वाले छात्र हैं. हमारे पिता श्री अमिताभ ठाकुर उ.प्र. में एक आईपीएस अफसर हैं और हमारी माँ डा. नूतन ठाकुर एक सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हैं. अपनी पढ़ाई के साथ साथ हम दोनों कई सामाजिक कार्यों में भी अपने स्तर पर निरंतर हिस्सा लेते हैं. क्योंकि हम अपने आप को भारत के ज़िम्मेदार नागरिक के रूप में देखते हैं, हम अंधविश्वास के खिलाफ निरंतर अपनी आवाज़ उठाते हैं.

    इस तहरीर के माध्यम से हम आपके समक्ष कुछ ऐसी ही घटना सामने ला रहे हैं जिसमे श्री ब्रह्मर्षि  कुमारस्वामी नामक एक व्यक्ति हमारे देश में स्थापित क़ानून का उल्लंघन करने और लोगों की समस्याओं को चमत्कारिक ढंग से हल करने का दावा करते हुए समाज में अंधविश्वास को फ़ैलाने का कार्य करते दिख रहे हैं. श्री कुमारस्वामी भगवान श्री लक्ष्मी नारायण धाम से सम्बन्ध रखते हैं, जिसका पता सी,