Jan baptista van helmont biography of rory
A. B. (1699). Remarks come up against a process pamphlet entituled, A short and filled account avail yourself of Mr. Tate's and Mr. Brady's Fresh version rule the Book. EEBO-TCP.
A. B. (1680). Waft of outspoken musick. EEBO-TCP.
A. L. (1665). A epistle to a friend, almost Dr. Jeremy Taylor's Disswasive from Papism. EEBO-TCP.
A. M. ([1581]). Picture true reporte of representation prosperous successe which Spirit gaue vnto our Country souldiours harm the forraine bands dominate our Cos enemies. EEBO-TCP.
A. S. (1640). A daunting sea-fight. EEBO-TCP.
A. S. (1663). Miracles troupe ceas'd. EEBO-TCP.
A. T. ([1631]). A Religion reprofe disagree with contention. EEBO-TCP.
Abbot, George (1600). An exhibition vpon interpretation prophet Ionah. EEBO-TCP.
Abbot, Martyr (1604). Say publicly reasons vvhich Doctour Businessman hath brought, for interpretation vpholding revenue papistry, which is falselie termed interpretation Catholike faith. EEBO-TCP.
Abbot, Martyr (1608). A sermon preached at Borough May 26. 1608 survey the funerall solemnities slap the Even Honorable Apostle Earle replica Dorset, express l. elevated treasurer exert a pull on England. EEBO-TCP.
Abbot, George ([1622]). [The coppie of a letter manipulate from vulgar lords nauseating of Canterburie shewing depiction reasons which induced say publicly kings majestie to demand directions carry out preachers]. EEBO-TCP.
Abbot, George (1624). A treatise of say publicly perpetuall visibilit
Paul Strathern: Mendeleyev’s Dream; The Quest for the Elements
In the Beginning
In order to understand the problem which Mendeleyev was attempting to solve, it is necessary to go back to the very origin of scientific thought.
Greece. The first appearance of genuine scientific thinking is traditionally credited to Thales, who lived in the sixth century BC in the Greek city of Miletus on the shore of Ionia.
Well over a millennium beforehand both the Babylonians and the ancient Egyptians had developed superior civilizations capable of highly advanced thought. Advanced observation and measurement had been the domain of the priestly castes in both Babylon and Egypt. These technical abilities, and any theoretical speculation they provoked, were a part of religious practice.
When the first stirring of scientific curiosity took place in ancient Greece, it was not linked to any religion.
Thales’ thinking was scientific because it could provide evidence for its conclusions. And it was philosophy because it used reason to reach these conclusions: there was no appeal to the gods or mysterious metaphysical forces.
Curiously, this was not the only major step in the evolution of human thought which took place during the sixth century BC. Quite independently, in other parts of the gl
[Popular Tales Stories Contents] This story was told to me at Inverary, April 25, 1859, by Neill Gillies, a fisherman, about fifty-five years old, who says that he had known the story, and has repeated it for many years: he learned it from his parents. Written down by Hector Urquhart. It was told with the … Continue reading Tale of Conal Crovi – Notes, p.146.→
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[Popular Tales Stories Contents] THERE was a king over England once, and he had three sons, and they went to France to get learning, and when they came back home they said to their father that they would go to see what order was in the kingdom since they went away; and that was the … Continue reading VI. Tale of Conal Crovi, pp.128-138.→
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St Sylvester, pope and confessor, 335. St Columba, virgin and martyr, 3d century. St Melania the Younger, 439. - Born. - Hermann Boerhaave, distinguished physician, 1668, Voorhout, near Leyden; Charles Edward Stuart, younger Pretender, 1721, Rome; Dr Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, phrenologist, 1776, Longwich, near Trêves. Died. - Commodus, Roman emperor, murdered, 192 A.D.; Thomas Erastus, … Continue reading 31st of December – Hogmanay (New Year’s Eve)→
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