Hansa wadkar biography of rory

  • You see Hansa Wadkar had written her autobiography which was being serialised in a Marathi magazine and finally it turned into a book, Sangte Aaikaa.
  • Movie Recommendation: Bhumika Director: Shyam Benegal Year releases:1977 Genre: Drama A Benegal film based on the life of Hansa Wadkar, a veteran actress.
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  • hansa wadkar biography of rory
  • What made you choose the text Mandi… the short story?

    There was a very well-known short story writer from the pre independent times- Ghulam Abbas. After partition , he moved to Karachi and he had written a short story called Anandi. It is a very interesting story because it deals with how this so called moral brigade tends to deal with women. In this case there is this bordello in the heart of town, as you always have in the tradtional Indian towns, like Sonagachi, you have  different places like Daal ki Mandi in Benaras and so on. So he had taken a situation where you have the city elders, (which means the municipality) who decide to get rid of their brothels and exile these people because they are bad for social morality. So they get rid of them, and the women are left in the wilderness but soon their business picks up and a whole city develops around them; this is the story in very simple terms.

    Now there is an interesting back story to this, I don’t know how far it is true, but it was said that Ghulam Abbas had taken the idea of the story from Allahabad, which was his native town; and he wrote this because in 1928, Jawaharlal Nehru became the Mayor of Allahabad and his municipality councillors came upto to him and said “Sir, the house in which you were born is

    Candida: A Melodious Embrace of Love's Complexity

  • 1. Candida: A Melodious Embrace of Love’s Complexity
  • 2. Outline of the Presentation • Introduction • Rasa Theory • George Bernard Shaw • Candida • Characters of the play • Major Themes • Rasa Analysis • Sringara rasa • Other Rasas in the play • Conclusion
  • 3. Rasa Theory • Origin: Natyashastra by Bharat Muni • Indian concept of aesthetic flavour • Rasa Sutra “Vibhavanubhava-vyabhicari samyogad-rasa-nispattih” • Concepts • Vibhava: causes or mainsprings of emotions 1. Alambana Vibhava (Characters) 2. Uddipan Vibhava (Setting) • Anubhava: Consequences expressed through bodily expressions • Vyabhicaribhava: transitory states
  • 4. George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950) • Irish playwright, music critic, philosopher, social activist • In 1884, he pioneered the Fabian Society • Under the influence of Henrik Ibsen, introduced Problem Plays in England “I must warn my readers that my attacks are directed against themselves, not against my stage figures.” George Bernard Shaw • As a playwright, he wanted to force his readers to face the reality of unpleasant events.
  • 5. Candida (1894) by George Bernard Shaw • A thought provoking play • Three acts • Love triangle of James Morell - Candida – Eugene Marchbanks • Use of witty di