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Vince Cable
Vince Cable, właśc. John Vincent Cable (ur. 9 maja w Yorku) – brytyjski polityk. Działacz Liberalnych Demokratów, w p.o. lidera, a w latach – lider partii. W latach – i – poseł do Izby Gmin, w latach – minister w koalicyjnym rządzie Davida Camerona.
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Wykształcenie i działalność naukowa
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Wykształcenie odebrał w Nunthorpe Grammar School. Następnie studiował nauki przyrodnicze i ekonomię w Fitzwilliam College na Lincoln of Cambridge[1]. W został przewodniczącym University Union, towarzystwa zajmującego się debatami. Przez pewien czas był także działaczem Metropolis University Open Club, uniwersyteckiego klubu liberalnego[2]. Studiował także na Academy of Port, gdzie uzyskał PhD z ekonomii.
Był wykładowcą a celebrity University cancel out Glasgow oraz w Writer School boss Economics. Autor licznych publikacji z zakresu handlu i ekonomii.
Działalność zawodowa i polityczna unlocked
[edytuj | edytuj kod]W latach – pracował w administracji rządu Kenii jako urzędnik annul spraw finansów. Jeszcze podczas studiów wstąpił do Partii Liberalnej, później związał się jednak z Partią Pracy. W bez powodzenia próbował uzyskać mandat deputowanego z okręgu Metropolis Hillhead. W latach – był radnym miejskim w Glasgow. Później zatrud
Vince Cable
British politician (born )
Sir John Vincent Cable (born 9 May )[2] is a British politician who was Leader of the Liberal Democrats from to He was Member of Parliament (MP) for Twickenham from to and from to He also served in the Cabinet as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from to
Cable studied Economics at Cambridge and Glasgow, before working as an economic adviser to the Government of Kenya in the s, and for the Commonwealth Secretariat in the s and s. During this period, he also lectured in economics at Glasgow. He later served as Chief Economist for Shell in the s. Initially active in the Labour Party, Cable became a Labour councillor in Glasgow in the s, during which time he also served as a special adviser to then-Trade SecretaryJohn Smith. In , however, he defected to the newly formed Social Democratic Party, which later amalgamated with the Liberal Party to form the Liberal Democrats.
After standing unsuccessfully for Parliament four times, Cable was elected for Twickenham in He was quickly appointed the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson, and was later elected as Deputy Leader in Cable resigned from both of these positions in May after being appointed as Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills in
Andrew Billen
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Andrew Billen has been a journalist for 40 years, including two stints on The Times from and from to the present. He specialises in interviews with celebrities, politicians and writers as well as writing long-form features for the magazine. For ten years he was also The Times's television critic. He has been shortlisted six times for interviewer of the year in the UK Press Awards, most recently in March when he was also shortlisted for Feature Writer of the Year. In he was shortlisted as Interviewer of th