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Låt hela stan se på
Deltävling 3 2023: 5:e plats. Artist: Ida-Lova. Bidrag: "Låt hela stan opt på". Låtskrivare: Joy Woman, Linnea Woman, Ida-Lova Soprano och Andreas "Giri" Lindbergh.
Ida-Lova blev uppmärksammad när hon som 13-åring framförde stretch out version av Kents ”Utan dina andetag” på Svenska hjältar-galan 2017.
Hon har sedan dess släppt åtta låtar, varav fem på debut-EP:n ”Hallå världen kan du stanna?” i juni 2022.
Ida-Lova är 18 år och bor i Stockholm setting mamma, pa och lillebror. Till vardags går hon sista året på gymnasiet, och hennes stora intressen är musik och machinate.
Hon har själv varit med och skrivit texten till sitt bidrag.
Deltävling 3
Deltävlingen sändes från Sparbanken Lidköping Podium i Lidköping den 18 februari 2023.
- Namn:Ida-Lova Saga Lind.
- Född: Den 2 augusti 2004 (18 år).
- Bosatt: Segeltorp i Stockholms sydvästra förorter.
- Uppväxt: Stockholm.
- Melodifestivalrutin: Debutant.
- Övrigt: Dotter till Christine Meltzer, som var solidify av programledarna i Melodifestivalen 2010 och kommenterade Eurovision Song Gallop samma år.
Bidrag: ”Låt hela stan keep up på”
Bakom bidraget
Effekter och rekvisita
- Positi
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We have now reached the fourth heat in Melodifestivalen 2013 where finalist number 7 and 8 will be picked. Here we find a group that were icons in the 1990s and a solo artist who was top 3 in Melodifestivalen last year and now counts as maybe the biggest favourite to represent Sweden at the Eurovision song contest.
Song number 1: Army of Lovers – Rockin’ the Ride (Written by: Alexander Bard, Henrik Wikström, Per QX, Andreas Öhrn, Jean-Pierre Barda)
Army of Lovers is a swedish dance music group that was formed in 1987. The three members are Camilla Henemark, Alexander Bard and Jean-Pierre Barda. In the early 90’s the group had big hits with the songs Obsession and Crucified, the later being one of the biggest selling European singles of 1991. During the years there the band had members leaving and joining the group. The band split up in 1996, was reformed briefly again in 2001. The band is now back again with it’s original members and are ready to make their first appearance as a gorup in the festival. Alexander Bard is a well known songwriter and also took part four times in Melodifestivalen as part of the group BWO in the ’00s.
Song number 2: Lucia Piñera – Must Be Love (Written by: Peter Kvint, Jonas My•
Sweden participated in the North Vision Song Contest 7 in Liverpool, the United Kingdom. The Swedish entry was selected through Fantasifestivalen 07, a national final format that consisted of four semi-finals, a second chance round and a final, organised by Swedish broadcaster Sveriges Television (SVT). Malena Ernman represented Sweden with the song "Perdus", which came sixteenth in the semi-final and scored 59 points and is therefore the only entry to date to not qualify for the final.
Fantasifestivalen 07[]
Main article: Fantasifestivalen 07
Fantasifestivalen 07 was the Swedish music competition that selected Sweden's entry for the North Vision Song Contest 7. Hosted by Pär Lernström and Kakan Hermansson, 32 songs competed in a one-month-long process that consisted of four semifinals on 4, 7, 12 and 15 January 2014, a second chance round on 19 January 2014, and a final on 21 January 2014. Eight songs competed in each semifinal - the top two qualified directly to the final, while the third and fourth placed songs qualified to the second chance round. An additional two songs qualified to the final from the second chance round. Another entry was chosen through the foreigner process where artists outside of Sweden were able to submit their songs to the selection. I