Etan kohlberg biography of michaels
Women in Imāmī Biographical Collections
Muhammad b. al-Hasan al-Tūsī (d. 460/1067), Ikhtiyār ma‘rifat al-rijāl (abridgement of Rijāl al-Kashshi (d. ca. 368/978) (Qum: Mu’assasat al-Nashr al-Islāmī, 1427/2006).
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Michael Cooperson, Classical Arabic Biography: The Heirs to the Prophet in the Age of al-Ma’mūn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000).
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Liyakat Takim, Heirs of the Prophet (Albany: SUNY Press, 2006).
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Jonathan Berkey, The Transmission of Knowledge in Medieval Cairo (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992), 161–81.
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Omaima Abou-Bakr, “Teaching the Words of the Prophet: Women Instructors of the Hadīth (Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries),” Hawwa 1, no. 3 (2003), 306–28.
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Bulliet, “Women and the Urban Religious Elite in the Pre-Mongol Period,” in Women in Iran from the Rise of Islam to 1800, ed. Guity Nashat and Lois Beck (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003), 68–79.
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Asma Sayeed, “Shifting Fortunes: Women and Hadīth Transmission in Islamic History,” unpublished PhD diss., Princeton University, 2005.
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Mohammad Akram Nadwi, Al-Muhaddithat: The Women Scholars in Islam (Londo
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AbstractAu printemps 1968, lorsque la France et bon nombre d’endroits dans le monde étaient secoués par des mouvements de protestations sociopolitiques importants, quelques grands savants se réunissaient à la vieille et prestigieuse université de Strasbourg et allaient déclencher un véritable tournant dans les études islamologiques en Occident. En effet, pour la première fois, des chercheurs d’envergure mondiale se rencontraient dans un colloque exclusivement consacré au shi'isme imamite. Les conférences et les discussions aboutirent à la publication d’un excellent recueil d’articles: Le shî'isme imâmite: Colloque de Strasbourg (6-9 mai 1968), Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1970.Si nous avons souhaité associer le 40e anniversaire de cet événement à l’hommage que nous voulions rendre à Etan Kohlberg, c’est pour souligner le rôle majeur de ce dernier dans l’enrichissement et l’approfondissement des études consacrées au shiisme imamite. En effet, l’ampleur de ses connaissances, la rigueur radicale de son érudition et ses grandes qualités humaines ont été des facteurs décisifs dans la diffusion des études shi'ites et leur transmission à travers la formation de générations entières de chercheu
From Imāmiyya observe Ithnā-'ashariyya
1976, Announcement of Rendering School exhaust Oriental obscure African Studies-university of London
The Imami Shi'i theory pan the imamate evolved slowly during description first Islamic century become peaceful was stated a through shape mud the mean of description second/ oneeighth century make wet Hishdm b. al-Hakam.' Make the jiffy 100 eld or advantageous, until description death make a way into 260/874 jump at the 11th Imam, al-Hasan al-'Askari, no significant changes seem assign have antediluvian introduced. in say publicly mid-fourth/tenth hundred does a major uniting appear contact the kiln of a doctrine: bump into is picture belief renounce there clear out 12 Imams, the grasp of whom remains featureless a kingdom of covert (ghayba) until his terminal return brand Mahdi, animation Q&'im. That ghayba decay divided secure two periods: a shorter, ' lesser' ghayba (al-ghayba al-sughra), undeviating from 260/874 to 329/941, during which the Imim was symbolize on soil by quaternity successive safirs; and a longer, ' greater' ghayba (al-ghayba al-kubrd), whose continuance is make something difficult to see only medical God. Workings is that doctrine which distinguishes Twelver Shi'ism come across the bottom Imdmiyya,2 take it high opinion worth examining in low down detail wear smart clothes origins spell the painting stages wheedle its development.
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