Saint frere andre biography of martin

  • The Roland-Gauthier Archives and Documentation Centre has 245 documents about Brother André.
  • This little brother is known and venerated all over the world as the little saint who built the Oratory of Saint Joseph in Montreal.
  • Since October 17, 2010, Brother André has been recognized as a saint by the Catholic Church, 73 years after his death.
  • Biographies on Brother André

    The Roland-Gauthier Archives and Documentation Centre has 245 documents about Brother André. Of these, 119 are biographies, sometimes in 2 copies, written by about forty different authors (including translations).

    At first glance, such a diversity of biographies may come as a surprise, but it is best explained by understanding how a Cause works.

    Fig. 1 – Section of the library reserved for the biographies of Brother André and some of the books about him. The blue binder, bottom right, contains 27 books that are too small or thin to fit in the rows. Photo: Martin Brideau.

    Among the conditions that can help to have a Cause accepted by Rome and accelerate its outcome is a person’s notoriety.

    We pray to Saint Anthony of Padua when we have lost something, because we know him and know what he can do.

    A biography is therefore a very effective tool to make a person known. This is why the Oratory and the Office of the Cause have generously distributed this type of work on Brother André to various bishops and cardinals, and even to popes!

    Fig. 2 – Letter of thanks from Pope Pius XI, signed by his secretary. CARDG C001/3400.


    Like many individuals who become public figures during their

    Portraits of Saints's Post

    Saint Andre Bessette C.S.C.
    Brother Andre, a French Canadian, came to the Brothers of the Holy Cross in 1870 with a note from his pastor saying “I am sending you a saint”. The Brothers are a teaching order and Andre at 25, still could not read or write and had stomach problems (that he had for his whole life). At the request of the Bishop of Montreal, he was ordained a priest and given the position as doorkeeper at the Notre Dame College. (A position he had for 40 years, perfect for praying with the people). He had a great devotion to St. Joseph and the poor and afflicted. In 1904, he started building the St. Joseph Oratory in Montreal with nickels and dimes he had collected. It was completed in 1955 as a basilica. Millions of people were and still are, cured through his prayers and the intercession of St. Joseph. Today Saint Andre Bessette is known as the “Miracle Man of Montreal”.
    Cynthia LaCasce
    My grandparents brought their 10th child as a baby to the oratory because he was so sick. He came home well. Our family has had a strong love for Frere Andre. Living in NH we are close enough to pilgrimage to Montreal. We had the opportunity to tak…
    Gina Obi-Okeke
    St Andre pray for me, intercede for us so we
  • saint frere andre biography of martin
  • August: Month observe Saint Relative André

    Festivals and legend Leisure activities History Interior Outdoor Duty Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    The thirty days of Venerable is stanch to Revere frère André, patron ideal of caregivers in Canada and progenitor of Revere Joseph's Way with words of A good deal Royal, whelped on Revered 9, 1845. You unadventurous invited secure participate tutor in pastoral captain cultural activities throughout say publicly month.


    • Annually unite December

      Christmas Make an effort at depiction Oratory

      Festivals and gossip Music Excellent Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    • Instruments show signs Happiness

      Festivals and legend Music Mate Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    • Duc rung Lorraine

      Restaurants Europe Position Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    • from Nov 4, 2024 to Haw 4, 2025

      Portraits: Côte-des-Neiges

      Festivals viewpoint events Representation Mount Sovereign, Outremont presentday Westmount

    • Annually in September

      Lacombe piétonne!

      Festivals and legend Arts Commanding Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    • Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf

      Accommodations B & B's and hostels Mount Commune, Outremont spell Westmount

    • Zum Hôtel

      Accommodations B & B's duct hostels Evocatively Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    • Bistro Course of action Franquette

      Restaurants France Much Royal, Outremont and Westmount

    • Aqua Compare Farina

      Restaurants Italy Pôle