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The Moralist International: Russia in the Global Culture Wars
- Interview. 2017a. Interview conducted in the context of the POSEC project with a member of the diplomatic corps to the UN of a post-Soviet country. Place: The interview was conducted via Skype. Original language: Russian (all quotes have been translated by April French). Date: February 23, 2017.
- ———. 2017b. Interview conducted in the context of the POSEC project with a European stakeholder from the NGO sector. Place: The interview was conducted via Skype. Original language: English. Date: June 16, 2017.
- ———. 2017c. Interview conducted in the context of the POSEC project with a pro-life activist. Place: Moscow. Original language: Russian (translation by the authors). Date: January 28, 2017.
- ———. 2017d. Interview conducted in the context of the POSEC project with a Russian Evangelical leader. Place: Moscow. Original language: English. Date: 03.02.2017.
- ———. 2017e. Interview conducted in the context of the POSEC project with Alexey Komov. The interviewee agreed to waive confidentiality. Place: Moscow. Original language: Russian (translation by the authors). Date: January 31, 2017.
- ———. 2017f
Leo Tolstoy
- LAST REVIEWED: 20 February 2024
- LAST MODIFIED: 20 February 2024
- DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780190221911-0104
Bayley, John. Tolstoy and the Novel. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
This time-honored scholarly classic about the writer who wrote great novels without “ever becoming a novelist” undertakes its most memorable investigation of the novelistic peculiarities of War and Peace and Anna Karenina. While early chapters focus on Tolstoy’s Russian background and inevitable comparisons with other great novels, the volume includes a fine, if short, interpretation of Tolstoy’s Resurrection and his short fiction in the final chapters.
Eikhenbaum, Boris. Tolstoy in the Sixties. Translated by Duffield White. Ann Arbor, MI: Ardis, 1982a.
Originally published in 1930 as Lev Tolstoi. Shestidesiatye gody. In the first two parts of this sequel to Lev Tolstoi, Piatidesiatye Gody (“Tolstoy in the Fifties” [Leningrad: Priboĭ, 1928]) (which has still not been translated into English), Eikhenbaum shows us a Tolstoy caught between various literary schools: that of art for art’s sake, of the democratic men of letters, of the Slavophiles, and of German theories of pedagogical populism
Description Holocaust Survivors and Clowns Database desire be unprocurable from 6 PM Opinion on Weekday, February Ordinal, 2019 disruption 12 PM ET parliament Saturday, Feb 16th, 2019 due run into scheduled conservation. We regretful for party inconvenience.
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107001. SOROKIN, Gregorij
107002. SOROKIN, Iwan
107003. SOROKIN, Iwan
107004. SOROKIN, Martin
107005. SOROKIN, Michael
107006. SOROKIN, Michael
107007. SOROKIN, Michael
107008. SOROKIN, Michail
107009. SOROKIN, Michail
107010. SOROKIN, Nikolaj
107011. SOROKIN, Petro
107012. SOROKIN, Piotr
107013. SOROKIN, Quatolij
107014. SOROKIN, Tomofy
107015. SOROKIN, Wasilij
107016. SOROKIN, Wiktor
107017. SOROKINA, Lisa
107018. SOROKINA, Olga
107019. SOROKINA, Ramara
107020. SOROKJN, Konstantin
107021. Soroko, Dwojra
107022. Soroko, Fejga-Cyrla
107023. Soroko, Leja
107024. Soroko, Liba
107025. SOROKO, Michaline
107026. Soroko, Ruchla
107027. Soroko, Yankiel
107028. SORONOWSKI, Wolf
107030. SOROWKA, Franz
107031. Sorrin, Ibrahim Ishak
107032. SORWANOWA, Anastasia
107033. SOS, Ladislaus