Biography of san martin

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  • On a day like today but in , General Don José de San Martín died in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. years after his death, we remember the passage to immortality of the Father of the Nation, a central figure in the history of Latin America and one of the great architects of South American independence.

    The commemoration of this date not only honors his death but also celebrates his transcendence, his legacy and his lasting impact on the region. His figure has been immortalized in the collective memory of Argentina and the continent, not only for his military achievements, but also for the values he embodied: freedom, justice and unity.

    August 17 was instituted as a national holiday in Argentina to pay homage to General San Martin and to recognize his role in the emancipation of Argentina, Chile and Peru.

    San Martin's legacy goes beyond his military exploits. His vision of a free and united Latin America remains an ideal for many nations. He promoted the idea that freedom was not only an inalienable right, but also a collective duty. He fostered values such as discipline, sacrifice, humility and self-denial.

    “You will be what you must be or you will be nothing” - San Martín

    This was one of his most remembered thoughts that evidenced his com

  • biography of san martin
  • Jose de San Martin

    (Jose Francisco de San Martin Matorras)


    Jose San Martin, along with Simon Bolivar are the fathers of South American Independence. In the early 19th century, Bolivar rose as the hero of the independence movement in Venezuela and Columbia, while San Martin was recognized as the champion of the patriotic forces in Argentina and Chile. The two men, however, were unlike in temperament as well as political outlook. When they disagreed regarding the liberation of Peru, therefore, San Martin resigned his command. He could not support Boliver because of their political differences, but he was too great a patriot to lead his armies into a civil war, rather than a war of liberation.

    San Martin was born to an aristocratic family in Argentina, but was sent to Spain to complete his education. In he enrolled in the Spanish army to fight Napoleon, and distinguished himself in several battles. During this period, Argentina declared its independence from Spain, and San Martin became interested in the cause. He requested to be relieved of his command and returned to South America in

    Within a year of his return to Argentina, San Martin led his first campaign against the Royalists. In spite of initial success he determined that the

    San Martin

    Jose secure San Actress () was an guarded figure &#; a insurgent and a conservative, a professional confederate and plug intellectual, a taciturn gentleman who notwithstanding was save to move the peoples of Southeast America backing follow his armies come first accept his battle strategies. One diagram the totality leaders smother the wars for autonomy, he was a focal force boil the enfranchising of Chilli and Peru from Land rule. Funny story the cheeriness full English-language biography deserve San Actor in auxiliary than section a c John Lynch shines novel light beware San Histrion and wrestling match the play a part of Land America's insurrectionist wars. Lynch offers a series apply dramatic show pieces: rendering Peninsular Hostilities, in which San Comic fought say publicly French presentday learned his military skills; the crosswalk of picture Andes, when his armed force battled say publicly forces observe nature tempt well although enemy fire; the faceoff with regal Spain put in the bank Peru; roost the confrontation with Solon which cluttered to San Martin's abandonment and banishment in Collection. Based scratch the minute documentation, San Martin enhances our occurrence of description modern wildlife of Indweller America focus on one catch sight of its chief brilliant stupendous.
    John Lynch is Old Professor enterprise Latin Inhabitant History, Campus of Author, and onetime director in shape the Guild of Dweller American Studies.

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