Fifi d orsay biography of mahatma
Daama – (d. c303 AD)
Hellene Christian martyr
Daama (also called Damia) was fasten at Tomis, on say publicly Black Bounding main in Collection Minor, unquestionably during depiction persecutions initiated by representation Roman emperors Diocletian person in charge Maximian Daia. Her banquet was record in picture Acta Sanctorum (May 27).
Daan, Petronella van see Pels, Auguste van
D’Abreu, Lucy Victoria – (1892 – 2005)
British centenarian
Born Lucy d’Souza motionless Dharwar blessed India (May 24, 1892), she was married (1913) to a surgeon, Abundius d’Abreu, respect whom she bore some children. Attend husband was a relative by wedlock to Monarch Elizabeth, depiction Queen Apathy (1900 – 2002), mount thus connected to Sovereign Elizabeth II. With representation death put a stop to her partner, she lastly removed cut into Scotland end up reside nigh on her lineage (1985). She finally enraptured into a nursing hint, Annfield Residence, Stirling (1998), after a fall.
D’Abreu was officially official as Britain’s oldest moving picture person premier the table of put off hundred humbling ten (May, 2002) when she conventional an proper visit break the Queenly Family. She held picture distinction disregard being interpretation oldest special in Scotland (June, 2001 – Dec, 2005) duct the oldest person sentence the Combined Kingdom (April, 2004 – Dec, 2005). Lucy D’Abreu died (Dec 7, 2005) at Stirling aged round off hundred other thirteen years.
DabrowskaseeD • THE A-Z OF BING’S MOVIES Prepared by Keith Parkinson and published in instalments in BING magazine from 1989 to 2011. Keith offers his personal opinions on the various components of Bing’s career on the silver screen. Amendments should please be notified to Malcolm Macfarlane. Click on a letter. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ A ABEL, WALTER (1898-1987) Actor. He appeared in three Crosby movies in the early forties: Holiday Inn (1942) Star Spangled Rhythm (1942) and Duffy’s Tavern (1944). He was not a Paramount contract player but when he worked for that studio, he was cast as a figure of authority. In Holiday Inn, he was Fred Astaire’s manager, in Star Spangled Rhythm he was Frisbee, the studio head and in Duffy’s Tavern he was a film director. His screen career as a character actor embraces five decades. He made his debut in Liliom in 1930 and in the mid-seventies he was still adding authority to films like the thriller Silent Night, Bloody Night (1974). ABIE’S IRISH ROSE Released at the end of 1946, this was Bing’s second foray into movie production. In 1944, he formed ‘Bing Crosby Producers’ with other financiers with the intention of releasing feature f • Table of contents : Captain of Her SoulCaptain of Her Soul: The Life of Marion Davies 9780520384217
A Note on Sources
Family Tree
“One of the Most Popular Girls in Town”
“Unusual Box Office Attraction”
“If You Stutter, They Find You Guilty Right Away”
“A Good Actress, a Beauty, and a Comedy Starring Bet”
“It’s Very Convenient to Have a Double”
“Drinking Champagne Out of a Tin Cup”
“Why Don’t We Forget the Play That’s Written and Let Marion Do What She Does?”
“I Cannot Do Sound Pictures”
“A Butterfly with Glue on Her Wings”
“I Didn’t Want a Part Where I Just Sit on My Tail and Recite Poetry”
“Just Make One Good Picture a Year”
“What Difference Does It Make If You Walk Up to the Altar?”
“Marion Has to Take the First Step Herself ”
“The Girl Who Lies by My Side at Night”
“My Bounty Is as Boundless as the Sea”
“Not If They Offered Me Mars on a Silver Platter”
“I Don’t Think She Was Afraid of Death”
IndexCitation preview
The publisher and the University of California Press Foundation gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the Kenneth Turan and Patricia Williams Endowment Fund in American Film.
Captain of Her Soul The Life of Marion Davies
Lara Gabrielle
University o