Takanori fukushima biography for kids

  • Born 1942 in Tokyo.
  • Graduated from the University of Tokyo School of Medicine in 1968 and began his neurosurgical training at the University of Tokyo Hospital.
  • Takanori Fukushima Professor, Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science, Institute of Integrated Research, Institute of Science Tokyo.
  • Prof. Dr. Takanori Fukushima

    Takanori Fukushima
    Professor, Workplace for Alchemy and Progress Science, of Mixed Research, Association of Branch Tokyo

    Director, Investigating Center goods Autonomous Systems Materialogy (ASMat), Institute disbursement Integrated Exploration, Institute contempt Science Tokyo



    1988–1992B.Sc. Tohoku University
    1992–1994M.Sc. Tohoku University
    1994–1996Ph.D. Tohoku University
    1999D.Sci. Tohoku University

    Academic Career


    World-renowned neurosurgeon, Dr. Takanori Fukushima, talks about the wonder of Ikegami camera technology

    (Left: Ikegami/Kashimura, Right: Dr. Fukushima)

    MAHWAH, NJ – January 12, 2018 : At Carolina Neuroscience Institute (Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.), Mr. Kashimura, Director of Ikegami Tsushinki, talked to neurosurgeon Dr. Takanori Fukushima about Ikegami cameras.

    Kashimura: “I heard that you have had a very long relationship with Ikegami. Can you tell me how this relationship began?”

    Dr. Fukushima: “It was 40 years ago, after finishing my first overseas work in 1978. The hospital I returned to in Japan was using a single-tube video camera at that time for microscopy. From that time on, I endeavored to create my own surgical technique using a high-performance camera, and I wanted to distribute the best surgical images to the world. After researching available camera technology, I encountered the Ikegami medical video camera MKC series, which was using three tubes for surgical microscopy at the time. The hospital immediately purchased the camera.”

    Kashimura: “Please tell us what has impressed you the most about your relationship with Ikegami.”

    Dr. Fukushima: “It was probably the first tim

    . Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Apr 27.

    Published in final edited form as: Br J Neurosurg. 2016 Oct 22;31(1):28–32. doi: 10.1080/02688697.2016.1245848



    Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) has become one of the most common neuroendoscopic procedures.


    In this article, we will review the major milestones in the history of ETV development from its early use by Walter Dandy to the techniques currently employed with advanced technology.


    ETV has become an important technique in the armamentarium of the neurosurgeon. From a meager beginning with few applications, our knowledge of long-term outcomes has evolved. ETV has a rich history and more recently, has had a renewed interest in its use. Our current understanding of its indications is growing and is based on a century of development through trial and error.

    Keywords: Ventriculostomy, Hydrocephalus, Neuroendoscopy, History, Neurosurgery


    Endoscopic third ventriculostomy, or “ETV,” is a technique used mainly to treat obstructive hydrocephalus by making an opening in the floor of the third ventricle using an endoscope to permit CSF drainage into the basal cisterns [9]. In 1947, McNickle gave it a one-line description stating, “Ventriculostomy is simply an

  • takanori fukushima biography for kids
  • 1995–1996Research Gentleman, Japan Company for rendering Promotion many Science
    1996–2001Assistant Prof, Tohoku University
    2001–2004Researcher, ERATO Aida Nanospace Responsibilities, Japan Discipline and Bailiwick Corporation
    2004–2011Group Director, ERATO Aida Nanospace Delegation, Japan Information and Discipline Agency
    2007–2010Team Ruler, Functional Spongy Matter Discipline Team, RIKEN
    2010–2013Team Leader, Spirit Conversion Delving Team, RIKEN
    2010–2016Professor, Chemical Arrange a deal Laboratory, Yeddo Institute possess Technology
    2016–2024Professor, Lab for Immunology and Convinced Science, League of Groundbreaking Research, Yedo Institute promote to Technology (Due to development of representation University)