Okhai ojeikere biography of george michael
The given of Continent (re-invented) # 1
The idea lose Africa (re-invented) # 1:
J. D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere, Lagos
Invisible Borders, The Trans-African Cinematography Project
(with: Amaize Ojeikere, Muddle Daniels Okeugo, Uche James-Iroha, Lucy Azubuike, Charles Okereke, Uche Okpa-Iroha, Chidinma Nnorom, Emeka Okereke, Adenike Ojeikere, Unoma Geise and Chriss Aghana Nwobu)
Rem Koolhaas & Bregtje advance guard der Haak, Lagos Stateowned & Close
21 October – 5 Dec 2010
Helvetiaplatz 1
CH-3005 Berne
T+41(0)31 350 00 40
F+41(0)31 350 00 41
info [at] kunsthalle-bern.ch
For many, it could well have been their first time to examine, for example, the modulations of grey in James Van Der Zee’s Couple in Raccoon Coats (1932), which was the earliest photograph on view in the exhibition. Or, they could finally have understood the post-independence optimism of Malick Sidibé’s Nuit de Noël (Happy-Club) (1963; printed and signed 2005) while witnessing the playful coyness exchanged between young Malian brother and sister dancing in the picture. The show’s promotion of Black representation was amplified by its extensive touring: it had traveled to the Art Museum at the University of Toronto (September 2022), the Polygon Gallery in North Vancouver (February 2023), and the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts (June 2023), before arriving in Halifax and then continuing on to the Baker Museum in Naples, Florida (July 2024) and the Grand Rapids Art Museum in Michigan (December 2025). The itinerary fulfills the exhibition’s mission to “lift as we rise,” or to use one’s success for “elevating the experiences of Black lives” across expanded community.4 In fact, the travelling show draws its entire checklist from a single private collection of Kenneth Montague, a Toronto-based dentist who, in 1997, established the Wedge Col
2014 ve fotografii
Tento článek obsahuje významné fotografické události v roce 2014.
[editovat | editovat zdroj]- Prague Photo, duben
- Měsíc fotografie, Bratislava
- Mezinárodní festival fotografie v Lodži, květen
- photokina, Kolín nad Rýnem, září
- 112. kongres Fédération photographique de France, počátek května 2014
- 45. Rencontres d'Arles červenec–září
- 18. Festival international de la photo animalière et de nature, Montier-en-Der, každý třetí čtvrtek v listopadu
- Salon de la photo, Paříž, listopad
- Mois de la Photo, Paříž, listopad
- Paris Photo, polovina listopadu 2014
- Visa pour l'image, Perpignan, začátek září 2014
- Nordic Light, Kristiansund, Norsko
- 32. kongres FIAP, Turecko
[editovat | editovat zdroj]- Czech Press Photo –
- World Press Photo – John Stanmeyer (USA, VII Photo Agency)
- Prix Niépce – Mathieu Pernot
- Prix Nadar –
- Prix de photographie de l'Académie des beaux-arts – Éric Pillot[1] za projekt In Situ – États-Unis věnovaný zvířatům v zoologických parcích východních Spojených států.
- Prix HSBC pour la photographie – Delphine Burtin a Akiko Takizawa[2]
- Prix Bayeux-Calvados des correspondants de guerre – ?
- Grand Prix Paris Match du photojournalisme – ?
- Prix Carmignac Gestion du photojournalisme – Ch