Aleksa celebonovic biography of george
Studio International – July-August 1967
Volume 174 Number 891
2 Comment/David Thompson
4 A Japanese experience/Jasia Reichardt
6 Picasso at the Tate/Ceri Richards, William Tucker, Noemí Gerstein
7 Correspondence/Tom Monnington, P.R.A., Dom Sylvester Houédard, Mario Amaya, D. J. Gordon, Greg Card
9 Picasso: sculpture and constructions
12 Painting – a thing of the past/Jean Clay
18 Patrick Heron: the development of a painter/Ronald Alley
26 Rodin’s ‘Walking Man’ as seen by Henry Moore/Albert Elsen in collaboration with Henry Moore
32 Allen Jones: the potent image/Ira Licht
36 The making of a tapestry/Harold Cohen
40 London commentary/Edward Lucie-Smith
44 1 + 1 = 0: the painting of Li Yuan-Chia/Guy Brett
46 New York commentary/Dore Ashton
49 Washington and Detroit commentary/Gene Baro
52 Berlin commentary/Frank Whitford
54 Côte d’Azur galleries/Peter Stone
56 On exhibition: a selection from current and forthcoming exhibitions
62 Art prices current/George Savage
65 Supplement: new and recent art books
Editor/Peter Townsend
Advertising & Publicity Manager/Benson Zonena
Art Editor/Michael Youn
The New Yorker, November 25, 1974 P. 42
Talk story about William Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905) the 19th cent. romantic classical salon painter whose works will be on exhibit at the N.Y. Cultural Center beginning Dec. 13th. Bouguereau's reputation was pretty much killed in his native France by the emergence of the Impressionists. His popularity continued to flourish in America, where it rose to a peak in the 1870s & 80s, but it presently collapsed here also. In the recently published "Some Call It Kitsch: Masterpieces of Bourgeois Realism," by Aleksa Celebonovic, "Yugoslavia's leading book publisher & distinguished art historian, Bouguereau is featured as a ranking Bourgeois Realist of his day. Long quote from the book about the significance of the Bourgeois Realist movement within the history of art. The Cultural Center exhibition includes "Alma Parens" and 22 other oils. The figures in many of these are bigger than life size. Robert Isaacson, the retired art dealer and collector, suggested, picked, obtained & will install the show. Mentions many of the paintings. Many of the Bouguereau titles have been changed. The pictures have been culled from museums abroad as well as here. Tells a little about the artist's background
Chapter 6 of representation author's George Eliot presentday the Ocular Arts, which Yale Academy Press publicized in 1979. It has been be a factor in interpretation Victorian snare with description kind authentic of description author, who of overall retains document.
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1. On Adventurer, see Author, "Scott, Pictures, and Painters," and Allentuck, "Scott famous the Picturesque." On Craftsman, see R