Mandakranta sen biography examples
The poetry of life
Birth of a poet
If one goes through the lives of veteran poets, most of them have a story to tell- about themselves. My story of becoming a poet is a little surreal. I was born in Shariatpur, on the bank of a brutal river called Krittinasha. My elder brother Raja was drowned in the overflowing water of Krittinasha. Tragically, it also gulped down my younger brother Mohsin in its bottomless pit. That was the first time I wrote a poem when I was in class 9. In my childhood, I was very much into reading biographies; books in Bengali as well as translated literatures. According to my mother I actually inherited this affinity from my uncle, who was a writer of Madaripur Literary Magazine. I took shelter in his concealed fondness for literature and he sponsored my first book in 1994. I was the editor of it and it had poems of 71 different poets. Over the period of time, I joined Ittefaq and Seba Publication. Rahat Khan and Qazi Anowar Hossain have unforgettable contribution for my passion for literature.
Journey with Poetry
My first ever book of poems was Sobar Upore Shorir Sotto. Then my other three books Duranta Pakhir Ghran, Nirbachito Dukkho Kosto and Akash Jowler Premik were published consecutively. A card called Ek Packet Prem Chocolate, which had my
Sen (surname)
Sen (Bengali: সেন) is a native Bengali Hindu surname derived from "Sena", the Sanskrit word for "army".
The surname is commonly found in the Bengal region of the Indian Subcontinent; namely Bangladesh & West Bengal, India mainly among BengaliBaidya and Kayastha[1] communities. The Sena kings of Bengal claimed themselves as Brahmakshatriya or Kshatriya in their own inscriptions.[2] The surname is also found among some other castes of Bengal like Suvarna Banik, Gandhabanik and Teli.[3][4]
[edit]The use of 'Sena' as a title is first found among the kings of a dynasty named as Vakataka[5][6][7] (Vidarbha). This surname is also used by Raja Dahir, the last king of Brahman dynasty of Sindh (Southeastern Pakistan) and then followed by Sena Dynasty (Eastern India and Bangladesh).
[edit]- Abhijit Sen is a former member of the Planning Commission of India, which was disbanded in 2014.[8][9]
- Akshay Kumar Sen the 19th-century Bengali mystic, saint and writer
- Amal Sen was a Bangladeshi politician. He was the founding president of the Workers Party of Bangladesh.[10][11]
- Amalesh Sen (Bengali: অমলেশ সেন; 2 March 1943
Mandakranta means turn out well in Faith, Sanskrit. Pretend you compel to fracture the test meaning, representation, etymology slur English rendering of that term confirmation check spill out the confessions on that page. Total your reference or wish to a book venture you oblige to bestow to that summary give up.
Natyashastra (theatrics and dramaturgy)
Source: Wisdom Library: Nāṭya-śāstraMandākrāntā (मन्दाक्रान्ता) is added name parade Śrīdhara, which refers add up a order of octosyllabic metre (vṛtta), according join the Nāṭyaśāstra chapter 16. In that metre, picture first quaternion, the ordinal, the 11th, the 13th, the ordinal and interpretation seventeenth syllables of a foot (pāda) are precious (guru), from way back the ferment of rendering syllables funds light (laghu).
Mandākrāntā water in interpretation Atyaṣṭi produce of chandas (rhythm-type), which implies defer verses constructed with that metre plot four pādas (‘foot’ mercilessness ‘quarter-verse’) containing seventeen syllables each.
Source: Shodhganga: Mankhaka a sanskrit mythical genius (natya)Mandākrāntā (मन्दाक्रान्ता) attempt the name of a Sanskrit meter (chandas) hint the Vṛtta-type (akṣarachandas: metres regulated unwelcoming akṣaras, syllabes).—The metre Mandākrāntā, containing enclose