Lincoln a photobiography summary generator

  • Russell Freedman's picture book Lincoln: a Photobiography tells the story of the life and times of America's 16th President, Abraham Lincoln.
  • Abraham Lincoln was born near Hodgenville, Kentucky, on February 12, 1809.
  • Lincoln is known for saving the USA from dissolution.
  • Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Views Essay (Biography)

    Today the name of Abraham Lincoln is known almost to every person in the world. His outstanding achievements in the political sphere made professional historians consider him the greatest president who has ever guided the USA. Due to Lincoln’s commitment to his country and its nation, the most devastating period in the history of America passed away. Lincoln is known for saving the USA from dissolution. He made the slaves free and triggered the development of racial equality.

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    Abraham Lincoln was born at the beginning of the 19th century in the family that came from England to Massachusetts. His grandfather was killed by Indians, which affected the life of his father greatly. As Lincoln wrote, he turned into “a wandering labor boy… who grew up, literally without education” (“Abraham Lincoln” 1). Still, Thomas Lincoln managed to buy several farms and improve the family’s condition. Little information is known about his mother, Nancy. Historians have several versions regarding her possible parents, but none of them are proved. All in all, Lincoln’s family had three children, including Abraham. His life was m

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  • lincoln a photobiography summary generator
  • Charlotte’s Web and Lincoln: A Photobiography Compare & Contrast Essay

    E.B White’s book, Charlotte’s Web, tells the story of a piglet rescued from death from its owner by the owner’s daughter, Fern. Fern appeals to her father’s sense of justice, pleading with him that, to kill the piglet just because it is a rant would be most unfair.

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    Wilbur, the piglet, thus survives and lives an adventurous life, later being sold to the Zuckermans, on whose firm he develops a friendship with a spider named Charlotte, who saves the life of Wilbur again when the owner tries to slaughter him over the Christmas season.

    Russell Freedman’s picture book Lincoln: a Photobiography tells the story of the life and times of America’s 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. Using pictures to augment the writings, the book traces the life of Lincoln from childhood to his eventual rise to the pinnacle of US politics – the US presidency. Pictures give a story an extra angle of believability and are an important addition to the words of the text.

    While Charlotte’s Web is a fictional account, Lincoln: a Photobiography is a factual account of the life of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the US. Charl