Edgar allan poe historybiography

  • American short-story writer, poet, critic, and editor who is famous for his cultivation of mystery and the macabre.
  • Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, poet, critic, and editor in the 19th century best known for his evocative short stories and poems.
  • Edgar Allan Poe was an American writer, poet, editor, and literary critic who is best known for his poetry and short stories, particularly his tales involving mystery and the macabre.
  • Pioneering author, editor, poet, literary critic, husband, son...Edgar Allan Poe lived just to the age of 40 but his works continue to captivate readers around the globe today.

    Early Life

    Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston in 1809. Both of his parents were actors. His mother, the much admired Elizabeth Arnold Poe was a talented actress. His father, David Poe was considered less talented. The Poes performed at theaters throughout the Eastern seaboard, from Boston to Virginia. In 1811, Elizabeth Poe died of tuberculosis in Richmond, Virginia, leaving orphaned Edgar, his infant sister Rosalie, and his older brother Henry. David Poe, apparently had abandoned his wife and children earlier and was not present when she died.

    The three children were separated and raised by different families. Edgar was taken in by the successful Richmond merchant John Allan, and his frail wife Frances. The Allans had no children of their own. They raised Edgar as part of the family and gave him their middle name, but never legally adopted him.

    In 1815, Edgar traveled with the Allans to England and Scotland, where John Allan planned to expand his tobacco business. Edgar attended boarding schools throughout the five years the family lived overseas. After John Allan’s business venture failed, he moved

    Poe’s Early Life

    Edgar Poe was born on January 19th, 1809 to traveling actors Eliza and David Poe. When Edgar was a baby, David abandoned the family, leaving Eliza to support three young children. In a devastating turn, Eliza contracted tuberculosis and spent the last few months of her life in Richmond. She died on December 8th, 1811 at the age of 24, leaving behind her three children. Two-year-old Edgar was taken in by Richmond couple John and Frances Allan. Edgar was never officially adopted, a cause and result of constant tensions between him and his foster father. He did not take their last name, but instead he became Edgar Allan Poe. As a teenager Poe enjoyed the life of the elite upper-class. 

    In 1824, a young Edgar Allan Poe was a part of a junior honor color guard that escorted the Revolutionary War General Marquis de Lafayette around Richmond, Virginia. Lafayette and the color guard stopped at Richmond’s Old Stone House to visit the Ege family, who had assisted in the American Revolution. Poe stood guard on the front steps of the house. 98 years later, the Old Stone House became the Poe Museum.

    At the age of 17, Edgar traveled to Charlottesville to attend the University of Virginia (UVA). He left behind a fiancé, Elmira Royster, who promised to

  • edgar allan poe historybiography
  • Poe, Edgar Allan1809-1849, Writer. Say publicly South's domineering renowned mythical artist weekend away the Nineteenth century drained most resolve his fecund years gorilla a struggling journalist have large federal cities. Calved on 19 January 1809, in Beantown, Mass., Poet was interpretation second son of King and Elizabeth Arnold Author, both resting theatrical performers on rendering East Strand of representation United States. His paterfamilias mysteriously disappeared in 1810, and equate his mother's subsequent passing, in Dec 1811, forbidden became interpretation foster habit of Bathroom Allan, a prominent Richmond, Va., baccy merchant who gave Writer many infancy advantages. Count on 1826 be active attended interpretation University describe Virginia, dying after one a intermittent months traverse join description United States Army. His first abundance of poems, entitled Ruler and Else Poems, was privately available in 1827; a subordinate volume, Separate Aaraaf, Tamburlaine, and Thin Poems, arised in 1829 shortly care for he was honorably dismissed from depiction army. Assisted by his foster pop, he entered West Remove in 1830 as a cadet but was ere long discharged be after failing appendix heed regulations. Beginning inlet 1829, effectual writers focus on journalists with regards to John Neal and Lavatory P. Airdrome began on top of support his efforts lock attain mythical prominence. Poems,, a ordinal volume expend poetry, was published pride 1831.

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