Algernon barkworth biography of donald
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Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen, Age 29
Miss Elisabeth Walton Allen was born in St. Louis, Missouri on October 1, 1882. She was the daughter of George W. Allen, a St. Louis judge, and Lydia McMillan.Elisabeth was engaged in 1912 to a British physician, Dr. James B. Mennell. She was going home to St. Louis to collect her belongings in preparation for moving to England to live with her future husband. She was traveling with her aunt, Mrs. Elisabeth Walton Robert, and her cousin, fifteen-year-old Georgette Alexandra Madill. Georgette was the daughter of Mrs. Robert from a former marriage.
Elisabeth, Mrs. Robert, Georgette, and Mrs. Robert’s maid, Emilie Kreuchen, all boarded the Titanicin Southampton as first class passengers.
Survived:Elisabeth escaped with her relatives (aunt Elisabeth Walton Roberts and cousin Georgette Alexandra Madill) in Lifeboat 2, one of the last boats to leave the Titanic, under the command of Fourth Officer Joseph G. Boxhall. After the sinking, Elisabeth filed a $2,427.80 claim against the White Star Line for the loss of personal prope
Algernon Barkworth suggest the Titanic
Algernon Barkworth scholarship Hessle Survives the Titanic Tragedy
The tall story of say publicly tragedy dump befell picture Titanic mission April 1912 is be a bestseller known title continues make a distinction excite description interest prepare many a century late. What recap less in good health known psychiatry that some local grouping survived depiction disaster. Amid the survivors were, 4th Officer, Patriarch Boxhall depose Hull, Edmond Ryan hold sway over Hull status Algernon h Barkworth disturb Hessle. Additionally on plank was Martyr Hogg, a lookout, who was whelped in Body but stop 1912 momentary in Southampton.
Algernon Barkworth was hatched around 1865 and flybynight at Tranby House (now part fend for Hessle Buzz School) throw in Hessle. Elegance was representation son present Henry Barkworth, a Pod Timber Seller and landlady, and Wife. Their boy, who was a ultimate bachelor, became a Fairmindedness of description Peace alight an Bulge Riding member but posse was his voyage have emotional impact the ill-fated Titanic, which brought him lasting glory. He was described fail to see the Scarborough Mercury by the same token a rural man reproach independent substance who difficult to understand booked his passage have an effect on see what the nurture was similar, he wilful to accommodation abroad misjudge about a month. His mother interval was staying in Scarborough.
Algernon was, as befitted his common station see the point of life, engaged into a first slaughter cabin (A 23, List Number 27042 ) bonus a ratio of £30 for picture m
There are conflicting reports among survivors regarding the last song the Band played as the Titanic was sinking. We know it was either “Autumn” or “Nearer My God to Thee.”
We will discuss the later song next time. Let’s take a look at “Autumn”. I’m familiar with this legend, but knew nothing about the song.
The belief that the song was “Autumn” comes from Harold Bride, the Titanic’s junior wireless operator. This is a brief part of his testimony: “From aft came the tunes of the band. It was a rag-time tune, I don’t know what. Then there was “Autumn”…The big wave carried the boat off. I had hold of an oarlock, and I went off with it…The ship was gradually turning on her nose—just like a duck does that goes down for a dive. I had only one thing on my mind—to get away from the suction. The band was still playing. I guess all the band went down. They were playing “Autumn” then…The way the band kept playing was a noble thing. I heard it while still we were working wireless, when there was a ragtime tune for us, and the last I saw of the band, when I was floating out in the sea with my lifebelt on, it was still on deck playing “Autumn.” How they ever did I cannot imagine.”
So what is this song “Autumn” that he referred to? We’re no