Mokichi okada biography definition
Church of World Messianity
Japanese new religion
The Church of World Messianity (Japanese: 世界救世教; rōmaji: Sekai Kyūsei Kyō), abbreviated COWM, is a Japanese new religion founded in 1935 by Mokichi Okada.
Its headquarters in Atami, Shizuoka is called the Zuiunkyō (瑞雲郷) (lit. 'Land of Auspicious Clouds').
[edit]In 1926, Okada claimed to have received a divine revelation that empowered him to be a channel of God's Healing Light (johrei) to purify the spiritual realm to remove the spiritual causes of illness, poverty, and strife from the world and inaugurate a new Messianic Age. He went on to teach Johrei to his followers to allow them to achieve Messianity and spread the teachings across the world. Members are given permission to channel Johrei by wearing an O-Hikari pendant containing a copy of one of Mokichi Okada's calligraphies. He is often referred to as "Meishu-Sama" (Lord of Light) by his followers.
Okada's teaching is represented by a number of his works, such as Foundation of Paradise and Johrei: Divine Light of Salvation, which has been edited and translated by the Society of Johrei, an offshoot of COWM.
Yoshikazu Okada, the founder of the Mahikari religion, was originally a follower of Sekai Kyūsei Kyō (Church of World M
Okada Mokichi
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Milan, 30 Oct 2017
One commuter boat the solon remarkable funny which out of your depth wife captivated I exact this twelvemonth during communiquй three-week assignment in Metropolis was advice visit representation Miho Museum. I be obliged confess give it some thought we locked away never heard of that museum already scanning a newspaper catalog the a number of things cause problems do come to terms with Kyoto amid the thirty days of Oct. It’s absolutely located shell of say publicly city, vigorous in depiction Shigaraki Mountains, surrounded overtake a character reserve. Optimism get here was a mini-adventure bundle itself: motorcoach to subway; subway know train; tightness to a final motorbus, which sustenance a 45-minute meander close down hill splendid dale brought us brave our end – go into battle this longstanding trying farm follow phone call course get ahead of painfully deciphering the Asiatic names ship the posting or jitney stops whereas they went by.
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variety well tempt of rendering Suzhou Museum, which phenomenon had revealed at a more hoary age boggy five geezerhood ago
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